If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

You haven’t backed up literally anything.

I don’t get why you can’t just say that you want to make gold off your raids.


RMT expanded because GDKP helped to legitimize it.

Its trash, its gone, and I hope it stays gone. And if that means you leave too? That’s a price I am ok with paying.


No, he’s just the product of a system that uses perverse incentives to create a sense of entitlement amongst players that tells them every single run should either give them gear, a pile of gold, or both.

He cannot comprehend the idea that the enjoyment of actually playing the game with friends should be incentive enough to run the content even on the runs where he gets nothing.

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You’ve posted 1-2 sentence comments declaring victory and staying opinions as facts.

I’ve posted quite a lengthy OP and defended it repeatedly against people like you.

Nice try tho

All of this is your opinion. You’ve shown absolutely nothing to back this up.

I’ve pugged a decent amount on my alts, and the way you make it sound like regular loot rules are a disaster, when in reality they are absolutely fine 99% of the time.

But please, provide some evidence that proves otherwise.

This is why p2 feels dead compared to p1

Again, another opinion that disregards all of the other differences between P1 and P2.


Or you know, you could read the OP instead of applying your own views to me.

I’ve read the OP and many of your responses in this thread and I think my assessment of your motivations is accurate.

What evidence are you looking for? This is a negative claim (im saying these dont happen in GDKP). You can’t prove a negative. But if you have any GDKP experience you can understand it. Or you can listen to the folks with experience.

You’ve already admitted they do happen in other loot systems.

Prove that it happens all the time in non-GDKP runs. Because between me and my friends, most of our pugs are absolutely fine.

And if they aren’t, that’s a reason to y’know… join a guild. It’s an MMO, not a slot machine.

I’ve had one instance where a hunter needed on the pearl when he already had it.

At no point as that was happening did I think “oh this would’ve been so good if this was a GDKP and I could’ve just bought the trinket”.

You’re entitled to that, but it doesnt speak to anything except your view of me. There is no actual content to discuss. And it doesnt make a case against GDKP. Even if what your think of me is true (its not), why not have both?

Because it’s a multiplayer game centered around farming loot.

It makes it a better experience to know that people worked for their gear.

I don’t understand how you disregard everyone else’s opinion, and then complain about everyone disregarding yours. It seems incredibly entitled and self-centered.

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Sounds like you’re not a fan of GDKP and thats fine. A few of these happen all the time (walking away with nothing) and a few happen less often, but collecively they happen often enough that I dont enjoy the loot system. Even if it is 5% each, that adds up quickly to nearly 50%.

With GDKP it is 0%

It’s 0% because you specifically bring players that need the most amount of gear, and diversify the classes/specs as needed.

I can do the same in an ms>os +1 loot system and claim it’s the greatest loot system.

GDKPers worked for their gear as much as MS > OS players. What are you talking about? You still have to clear the raid, lol.

Are you trying to be dumb?

GDKPs are just carries. Sitting in the raid and doing nothing is not the same as clearing the raid.

Same with how retail guilds sell AotC.

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Which of the 10 problems does this solve? I dont think you are making a strong argument.

I literally just said in the post before this he is entitled to his opinion. An opinion that is worded as a personal attack on me.

Having an opinion does not make a case against GDKP. What I’ve done is make a case for GDKP. And defended it, in my thread, that you are replying to.

The problem that you made up, about how everyone magically walks away with something from a GDKP, but in a normal raid folks walk away with nothing allegedly all the time.

Thats not what GDKP is. You dont have enough knowledge on the subject.

What is the excuse for the 5% grey parser dead on the floor that wins a roll. Thats no more deserving than a carry, if a raid chooses to bring one.