If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

I’ve got a tin foil hat for sale, BIS!

I completely understand and agree with what you’re saying. It’s not a time management or a time to play issue. My personal issue is that most guilds tend to raid in the evenings and/or on weekends. Both of which are in direct conflict with my work schedule.

It hasn’t taken away my ability to play the game or find groups or even my enjoyment of the game. But is has made it very hard to find a guild that fits my schedule. And that’s ok, is what it is.

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Lets see where does it say a lack of time? Hmm :thinking:

Oh thats right, it doesnt!

How ironic is this post :joy:

You might want to understand it yourself. Again, dont put that on me.

More solid arguments!

I inferred from this statement, not much of a stretch lil guy

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I get that for sure, as someone with time constraints as well. I was able to find a few guilds that matched my timing and I am hopeful you will find one for yourself. The PUG scene on Wild Growth is actually not super bad and is fairly active most hours of the day. Contrary to the forums there aren’t that many pug raids posting requirements like parses and GS.

This is a good outlook!

I remain positive that you’ll luck out and be able to find a guild or group of people to run PUG’s with that matches close to your schedule.

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Me too, when they bring back GDKPs

So you don’t have reading comprehension and don’t know what paraphrasing is. Interesting. Maybe less of a pedant and more just painfully hyper literal. Either way you’re wrong.

Either way, the original poster of what we are discussing is much more open to having an actual conversation.

“The GDKP’s don’t match my schedule!”
We don’t know if they will return or not, I hope specifically for you they do not.

Sorry, im immune to personal attacks. Thanks for forfeiting any resemblance of an argument you may have had tho.

Cool, so I take it you’re done then. Enjoy being wrong.

I appreciate the response. I’ll certainly keep trying!

I have a few ideas I’ll mull over.

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I’m not going through 1500+ comments to catch up, but the topic was interesting to me and I wanted to reply to OP.

I do agree that removing GDKP leaves a vacuum that will be filled, whether Blizzard wants to or not. Apparently GDKP was SO prevalent in East Asia that they had to lift the ban in Taiwanese servers as they were losing all their players. (This is heresay based on a Reddit post I saw, but they had links and it seemed legit)

Personally, I don’t like GDKP. I feel like it is representative of uncontrolled capitalism and, while Capitalism isn’t universally awful, uncontrolled capitalism only favors those who are most willing to cheat the system and oppress the masses.

Outright banning GDKP clearly was done in the hopes that people would move toward older systems of loot distribution (Loot Council, DKP, etc. etc.) but those older systems aren’t really better than GDKP. In fact, many are blatantly worse.

I believe the smart decision for Blizzard and the healthiest decision for the players overall would be to “re-implement” GDKPs, but with a few changes.

1.) GDKPs that are hosted by players continue to be banned. Moving forward, only Blizzard “hosts” the GDKPs.

2.) GDKPs are managed by NPCs in game or by some system in the UI. This could be done by adding an extra window to hitting the “need” button on the default UI, where you add your Bid. Not really 100% on this myself, I’m not a UX engineer or anything of the sort.

3.) Little to none of the gold bid on items is redistributed to the raid. This means that Blizzard takes a sizable “house cut”. This cut acts as a singular massive gold sink that targets only those who most want to spend lots of money on getting their gear.

4.) Bid caps would be a necessity as part of this system. You can’t bid more than, say 30-50x the vendor value of a given item. This prevents GDKPs from being an infinite gold sink, as after a certain point more gold doesn’t really give you more of an edge for winning your gear.

5.) The system should offer players some alternate form of recompense for participating in the GDKP. Maybe something like Emblems; along the lines of a personal soulbound currency that helps the player finish gearing out or helps them pick up reps/cosmetics they may want. This aspect is ESSENTIAL as otherwise players will only be encouraged to move toward black market or unregulated GDKPs since they aren’t getting gold redistributed back to them.

With all 5 of the above points being reached, I think a “GDKP-like” system could be put back into WoW SoD. Blizzard combats inflation by having an approximately infinite gold sink equal to that of what players are willing to dump in. They are also regulated and players get to feel like their money, in-game or out, is being well spent. At the same time, RMTs become harder because all of the gold generated from an RMT gets drained out of the economy at the same or higher rate than what players can afford. This solution recognizes that RMTs can’t ever be stopped completely, embraces the idea, and uses the endless inflation that Bots generate against them.


While I’m not sure I agree with all those points, I definitely agree that any/all of this would be better than what we got, which was nothing. Appreciate the comment!

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Join a guild, kill the bosses, roll for the gear you want.

It’s that simple. Maybe stop making everything into a gold-making venture.


You should read the OP, you might learn something. Such as why P2 feels dead compared to P1.

So dead you gotta tell people its dying. Haha these posts, St Patrick’s day is coming soon, can we drive the GDKP argument into the ocean?

I don’t think bring back GDKP is the solution, but I think Individual loot would solve most of the issues listed. The “leave” in the middle of the raid for example wouldn’t be solved, but the raid lock ID would, so I think what is almost unanimous (ALMOST), is that the loot system need some sort of update moving forward.

No sane human being thinks GDKPs are why P2 feels worse than P1.

Just be honest, you want to make gold off your raids. It’s ok, we get it.


I think I’ve been very honest and backed up my stance with a many reasons. Unlike your post that just states your opinion as a fact with nothing else.

in order for inflation to occur money has to be created. GDKPs do not create money, they simply redistribute it.

And they encourage the accumulation of wealth in order to participate, meaning there is an increased amount of gold sloshing about the economy. Inflation isn’t just ‘creating money’, it’s fact that the money is readily accessible to more people that is part of it too.

If 1 person has 100,000 gold, that doesn’t really impact the cost of items in the market all that much. But if 100 have 1000g, that’s a different issue.

What point are you trting to make? No matter the scenario, GDKP didnt create any gold. If the aim is to stop hyper gold inflation and RMT, then we should target bots and RMT. Instead the devs ban gdkp, while offering no solutions to the problems GDKP addresses.