If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

So… you don’t ever check that the people you’re bringing to your GDKPs can actually afford to bid on something?

How interesting.

(And not very believable… but sure.)

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I knew he’d just deny it when the time came to answer it, but it’s very telling how long he avoided the question.


He’s asking the hard hitting questions on the GDKP topic.

do you gold check?

who cares?

I don’t gold check because I don’t care but I also don’t care if people do. What is your point?

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I do, because that’s what we call gatekeeping people. That’s why people buy gold when they don’t have gear. Because of gold checks and minimum budgets. That’s part of what inflates gold so much.


I would 100% gatekeep you if you asked me this question 10 times.

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Good thing you can’t come phase 2.

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your hard hitting question is so obvious that it isn’t even worth asking or answering. Yes, gold is a requirement for GDKP. If you don’t have gold you don’t get gear. Next.

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You inherently think you are entitled to items because you have more gold. I am fairly sure the definition is apt

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ya man, like why cant people just pay whatever they can afford man

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So, how do I get gold? The gold from farming materials would take days and days to get one item at current prices.

I also prefer soft reserves, simple and fair.

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I’m sure he takes the same groups, so he knows there’s a pool of gold across them already, so gold checking isn’t as big of a deal because he’s not dealing with the general population - that would introduce problems 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10 even in gdkps and would require you argue in good faith for once. Oh and I’m sure all of that gold is completely legit, I’m sure you can vouch for each and every one of your raiders who cant be trusted with MS/OS already.

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I actually forgot that was a thing, GDKPs will let a item be destroyed if the minimum bid isnt met. what a terrible system, good riddance

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Wouldn’t have to ask you that question 10 times if you didn’t wait nine times to decide how you were gonna lie about your answer.

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Play the game dude, literally everyone awards gold. You can several hundred gold a day.

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Ye i hope SR makes a comeback its such a good system, let everyone else waste SR on trinket/wep while you get everything else hehe


It is amazing, I loved that system in Era

I’m convinced you have not read the post and are just trolling. I freely admit GDKP has all the problems you are trying to nail me with. Try actually debating the post instead of pretending like you play in a world where everyone is nice, even when you are being toxic to me.

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The crazy thing is, a company the size of Micro/Blizz has the resources to go after gold selling companies and chose not to. A foreign company is negatively effecting their business, and mum is the word.