If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

This works great if you have a set raid team.

What about the people that don’t have set schedules? What about the people that don’t want to join a guild?

I’m personally tired of carrying raids to only have someone that was afk all run out roll me on every item. I’ve dealt with this all through SoD and Era.

Keep reading, I believe in you!

No to throw insults or attack you but maybe an MMO isn’t the type of game for you. With 10 mans I’ve seen numerous guilds do optional daily raids where they fill with various guild members and alts so you can play the days you’re available rather than being like “Tuesday at 7” ect. You probably can easily find one of those.

No offense taken. I certainly enjoy playing WoW either way. I’m just trying to bring a different perspective and why GDKP worked for me.


This is far from normal for an MMO and not how guilds traditionally operate at all.

It’s how the last 4 guilds I was in, across different servers, operated outside of normally scheduled raids. It isn’t uncommon.

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Press D to dab on swipers

I think you will be waiting far longer than you expect.

Can I have your stuff?

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Cool, but you’re not stopping there

You’re suggesting that someone that doesn’t have this experience does not belong in an MMO

Stopping where?
In a guild that does this very normal thing? I am in one right now on both Wrath and SoD. I am not quite sure what your incredibly vague response means, but I am sure you will throw something at me instead of clarification if your attitude in previous replies holds.

Why you say that? They couldn’t even roll out the policy to all regions. P2 is a disaster. This policy is crashing and burning before our eyes.

in order for inflation to occur money has to be created. GDKPS do not create money, they simply redistribute it.

In fact a built in GDKP system that took a 5-10% cut like the AH takes but verifies peoples gold is legit before letting them bid on stuff would be a gold sink that I am sure many people in the GDKP community would embrace.

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Keep reading the post you replied to.

I did, I also read the whataboutism filled post he replied to.
“if you’re strapped for time, maybe an MMO isn’t for you currently” was what I got, which was a decent answer to the likely bad faith post he replied to. Either way irrelevant to my response and question to you.

So again, want to explain your vague response or are you done? You claimed no guild does that, stop deflecting to other information. You were wrong.

You changed your quoted statement. I also didnt say your experience does not exist. You cant stand by your quoted statement and thats fine. Dont put that on me.

Sure thing fam. Bring on the pedantic arguments.

I have edited nothing I have posted in response to you. So are you attempting to badly lie now?

I will, the practice mentioned is common, you claimed it wasn’t. You are wrong.

Only thing I will put on you here is you being massively disingenuous and a low level liar.

What are you trying to say, this is consistent

You paraphrased your own statement and changed what you were quoted as saying.

That’s not what you said. And it’s not even what the other person said.

Lol :laughing: good argument

I don’t think debating with the original poster does any good. I am certain the devs are aware of his points having read the first 10 or so posts.

I think at this point it has nothing to do with any new points and, instead, is more to make it seem as if there is a certain buzz level being maintained. It smells artificial, frankly.

The ultimate point, if I had to guess, is to allow RMT to more easily launder money, which Blizz has noted. Whether or not this poster is more than a useful fool for that billion dollar criminal industry is a question I scratch my head about. /whoKnows?

Has it occurred to you that players in some regions might have different preferences than players in other regions and they might have an interest in catering to those preferences?

In your opinion, but you don’t speak for the entire community.

Nope, it is actually working quite well.

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This was never intended as an argument, more of a statement. Good job. I should rectify though that “liar” should be changed to “overly pedantic when wrong”.

Yes I did, you should look up what that word means.

Highlighting your inconsistency and incorrectness.
I have been consistent outside of apparently one earth shattering paraphrase. You are still wrong.

It’s called a paraphrase, hard for me to believe you understand the word when you’re currently confused on where to apply it.
Very much was a “i don’t have time to be in a guild…” which was answered with a time management response. Fairly straight forward, I am unsure why this hasn’t clicked for you yet.

You done? You were wrong on Taiwan, and wrong here.