If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Thanks for this, I’ve had to deal with 0. And 1 is too many. You should give GDKP a try.

you’re saying “oh, 20% of my runs were problematic” But there is no problem here!

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Still avoiding the question, I know the answer though. You absolutely check people for their wallets before you allow them to raid with you. You’re apart of the problem. This is why GDKP is being removed. Thank god.

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So in other words your guild sucks and you need credit cards to keep things golden.

Have a good day.


answer the question berg

You think because you put in more time in a MMO farming gold you are more entitled to the item that requires the rest of the group to even see it drop. Yes in my opinion you are more deserving of the hot ticket items but like i said you never would of seen it drop without the other underachievers in your group helping kill the boss to begin with so the real question is what is more valuable the time before raid or the time during.

Entitlement “the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment”

Back to the personal attacks because you have argument. Next.

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Okay, I’ll take next. Do you gold check players that need gear in your raids? Do you have a minimum budget for said players to enter your raid?

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what question? Is someone doing anything besides baseless personal attacks?

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Still avoiding all the questions and pretending to be a victim.



Is it a personal attack to ask you whether or not you’re gold checking people that enter your raid wanting gear?


I’ve been replying to your silly posts for 30m

Hey you may not like it but its a fact

And avoiding my very simple question for at least 10 minutes.


And not answering anything or anyone.


Need / Greed?

The raids are a joke.
GDKP does not need to exist.

Every time I see a GDKP I smh.


You seem to not understand what that word means even though you linked the definition. Working towards a goal is not entitlement. The same with putting in time and effort for that goal.

Why are you asking me about gold checking? No, I don’t. Why does that matter so much to you? Our min bid is currently 5g. Happy? What’s your point?

I didn’t respond because its a silly question to spam over and over and you’re probably trolling.

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I don’t know why it’s so hard to get straight answers out of this dude

Oh it matters, cause GDKPs always do that. They make sure players have a certain budget if they want gear. That’s where the gold buying comes in. They try to guarantee a good pay out for their carries.