If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

I don’t think it’s a vocal minority at all. Everyone that I know that does GDKPs does it because it’s all there is on Era. They don’t do it because they prefer it, it’s close to the only option and it’s not easy to find SR runs. They exist, but they’re rare. I think this is a generally popular change and it’s really the vocal minority that’s against removing GDKP.

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Blizzard made a mistake letting it go on as long as they did. It was obvious the damage it was causing to the community at the end of AQ40. If you honestly hosted these GDKPs for so long it should be trivial to start hosting normal runs but you no doubt have a large chunk of players who are all insanely entitled and like you say will just quit when they don’t get what they want out of a run or when someone they consider less skilled than them gets the item first.
I say suck it up and move on with your life.

Actually they did, that’s why devs feel like they need to ban it. To stop it from becoming the norm like Era and WoTLK

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It wouldn’t need to be removed if you couldn’t just buy gold on third party websites.


This is legit, you mute like 1-2 rabid defenders and the GDKP thread size goes down like 400-600 posts


Just like you did when people were having fun in GDKPs and you didn’t like it?

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I did for two expansion

Who are you talking about? This sounds like the “Ban GDKP” crowd who want to control how others get to play.

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Hey, when you’re running your GDKPs, do you gold check people that need gear? Do you have a minimum budget to be allowed access to your raid?

he’s talking about you and yours, by the way you describe them they’re going to fall into tribalism the second they’re not being paid out every run

Was trying to gauge this in my guilds discord last night.
People whom I dont suspect to be forum trolls, or even forum readers some of them.
From what I could tell, generally accepted as a positive change.

By definition anyone in a GDKP is entitled because you somehow have convinced yourself you deserve to be full bis every phase in a MMO

People are just going to do carries like in retail.

Back to the personal attacks, huh? No merit-based debate to be had here.

I didn’t realize we played with two entirely different populations. What realm you on? They must all be super nice and help each other. Much like you are in this thread.

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Perhaps he plays with people who are not loot goblins and they play the game for other things other than getting bis.



How is putting in work and paying for your items “entitled”? That is the opposite of entitled.

I’ll ask again, do you gold check players wanting to enter your raid that need gear? Do you have a minimum budget for players wanting to enter your raid if they need gear?

Yes, I’m grasping at what you literally posted in your OP.

I’m not interested in the PUG aspect because I am responding to your self reported guild aspect:

You want to present these as endemic issues in raiding and all current alternative options are substandard. Okay, I’ll disagree, and return to the issue you seem to refuse to want to acknowledge:

Your personal experience, with your guild that you exclusively run GDKP in order to avoid, has to deal with these 10 problems without your GDKP solution.

I have had to deal with maybe three or four incidents in SOD so far in 20 some runs in my guild or pug runs, so my experience is quite different than yours, it seems.

So I will once again say thank you for letting us know what kind of guild you’re in.

Unless you want to maybe reel in the hyperbolic OP there and come down a little bit off the “Everything sucks so bad we need GDKP to fix it” horse.


But we both know you’re going to complain about me being toxic, or you don’t actually have those problems while completely ignoring the whole thing being your support for your argument, or some other bit of nonsense, so I’ll just let it go since you don’t actually have anything to say other than you like GDKP.


lol ok. Flawless argument

Yeah, you’re really avoiding that question Bergelmir. Hey, Bergelmir, do you gold check players wanting to enter your raid that need gear? Do you have a minimum budget for said players?