If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Just waiting for loot council to tell me mages cant have the Neltharians Tear because we get hit percentage from talents.

Its inevitable.

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I’m telling you I don’t run MS > OS for any raid, internal or external. The only time I run it is when I have a fresh toon and I want free gear.

If we did run it internally there would inevitably be spoken or unspoken resentment.

“Oh, you rolled on a weapon earlier in the raid”
“Wow, you got 3 items and I got 1”
“Why did you give away that item to the next highest roll but not this item”
“That item isn’t as good for you as it is for me”

If you don’t think this isn’t happening I assure you it is, even if not vocally.


He is delusional if doesn’t think its happening. Its happening in SoD and its happening in Era right now too.

Yes Era. Even whitemane cluster still has loot councils and guild runs.

Loot councils routinely give gear to people based on personal friendship and bias over other people. They also do over their own personal opinions on what items are good for what class, whether they are correct or not.

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One that doesn’t involve buying/selling gold or supporting botters.

MS > OS groups often tell people what items are MS for them, and routinely deny people technical BIS items because they are ignorant to the BIS lists.

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Far be it from me to tell you what you should value, or why you should play, but I wouldn’t choose to play with people who won’t be decent to each other if they don’t get rewards. If you don’t think resentment builds in gdkps too you’re simply arguing in bad faith. It’s a good guild with good people that guards you from these problems, not the loot system. Trade chat gdkps are full of corruption and all the points on your list too.


Example: there was a raid I was in in WoTLK. TOGC, there was a hit dagger I think and even with hit it was BIS for disc priests. Pug didn’t allow a roll to the priest, they left, group couldn’t down last boss.

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Are you the judge of decent? Your group all agree with you? I doubt it. You’re choosing to ignore the problem.

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Try getting 2 people to agree in 2024, much less 10 or even 40. Your argument fall over quickly.

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We’re all the judge of what’s decent, man. I don’t know what you’re trying to get at. After raiding with these guys for over a decade across various versions of this game, anything we’re not on the same page about can be worked out. We’ve had minimal encounters with the problems on your list despite running MS/OS since actual Wrath.


I’ve had 0, but I’m glad its working for your group. I don’t know you, but respectfully your group doesn’t sound cutting edge.

Regardless, why you acting like your experience is the only valid experience?

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I think the announcement put it well enough. It erodes traditional guild and social structures that are in many cases the basis of our most fond memories of early versions of World of Warcraft.


GDKP is the best loot system if RMT didn’t exist.
Blizzard being lazy and cheap bans GDKPS instead of the problem. They could hire 1 person for 20-30$ an hour to look for bots on every classic server and do more for the game than banning GDKPS ever would. They don’t though cause they don’t actually care they only want your sub.

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That’s your opinion and if you have that opinion you don’t have to participate. I have the opposite opinion and GDKP breathes life into the game.

Also, if you want to preserve early WoW play era. This is SoD. Era dominated by GDKP? Oh, that’s because it is better than rolling and the community embraced it.

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So what you’re saying is yes, you have to deal with that so often you need GDKP to solve it. And I appreciate you telling us which guild to avoid running with.

I’ve not dealt with it for years mate, you’re grasping

You’re also completely ignoring the PUG aspect of this and fixating on me personally as some sort of villain.

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Why don’t you guys try debating the merits of the post? Because you can’t.

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Of course the beneficiary of illicit gold will continue peddling gdkp on Era where it never belonged either. Of course you’d believe the practice just amounts to varied opinion. I can’t wait for this policy to bleed over to all versions of WoW. It’s clear you don’t want to argue the merits of your own post when you cherrypick around replies addressing it.


If anyone bothered to debate it instead of launching misguided attacks on me personally or simply pointing out that some people engage in RMT (which I freely admit) then I would happily debate them. You aren’t offering anything to debate. You just want to force your opinion onto everyone else.

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But this time they didnt? Thats why your here?

That was a big post just to say - “because its pay to win.”