Their distance to bought gold is the exact same as (moose) or anyone else selling materials on the AH.
GDKPs are the best loot system by far.
RMT and bots are an issue and I think all buyers and sellers should get perma bans. I just don’t think GDKPs are causing the inflation and issues that many players claim they are.
LOL. The takes just keep getting more and more ridiculous.
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All that would do is increase the costs within gdkps
That would cause more botting and rmt.
Nope, just nope.
You have officially presented the most smooth-brain defense of GDKPs this forum has seen. Im legitimately impressed
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GDKPs are a good system because of the problems they fix - which has nothing to do with gold inflation. It has to due with the issues of SR, MS > OS, and LC runs. It also has to due with incentives for geared toons to raid.
You will find that prices will be inflated and just as many, if not more, people will buy gold in the phase 2 with GDKPs banned.
Moreover, If you don’t think people run GDKPs to avoid buying gold you must:
- have never been to a GDKP
- have a deep misunderstanding of how these runs work
- are in total denial
I look forward to them getting banned alongside GDKPs.
Except for sodapoppin of course. Hes special and doesnt get banned
That acc he is on should be perma banned, as should all buyers and sellers. That is the solution.
The game is much better with zero RMT (as some p-servers got pretty close to)
And in that world, GDKPs will still be the best loot system (outside of progression for that LC is a bit better).
Hmmm it’s almost as if I never disagreed with that statement
Then you must agree with the logical conclusion of that statement, that without GDKPs more people will be incentivized to buy gold.
all buyers and sellers should get perma bans
this is in fact the only real solution but blizz is unwilling to go that hard on buyers.
its stupid, game would be better for everyone who doesnt catch a ban for gold buying if they did, and the gdkp enjoyers could go on doing their thing without it being a problem for everyone else.
but im sure mr blizz has run the math and determined that would cost them more money than band-aid solutions, so here we are
No because they won’t have as many places to spend that gold. That’s literally one of the reasons they are banning GDKP.
You should quit while you’re behind.
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more will 100% but in much smaller amounts, who knows if that will even out or not, i have a feeling it ends up negative for the gold buying market but i have no hard data on that and nor does anyone else really.
Well players are playing with the current state of affairs. So banning 20-30% of the population would 1) cause an uproard but more important 2) reduce total subscriptions significantly.
Even if the experience of players increases a bit, it is good enough at the moment that they pay so no need to take dramatic actions.
GDKPs pass gold between players, so those that want to buy items in runs save that gold and spend it in runs. It doesn’t go straight into the general economy (if ever).
Whereas without GDKPs all purchased gold will go straight into the economy (albeit overtime) but will be spent mostly on BoEs and consumes.
They will buy the gold because they need a baseline for consumes and just to play the game, but without GDKPs to spend it on, it will eventually be spent on stuff that impacts everyone.
I thought people did GDKP so they didn’t have to buy gold themselves, so what are they spending that gold on that they need so much? And please don’t say they’re doing GDKPs for gold to do more GDKPs after admitting that GDKP players will resort to buying gold now that they cannot get gold from GDKP. Because if they were only doing GDKPs for gold to spend in more GDKPs then they wouldn’t resort to buying gold after GDKPs are banned because they wouldn’t have a place to spend it.
Well they may not buy gold in the next phase if everything is as easy as BFD.
But if there is ever a cost to raiding (consumes needed) then they may buy gold to get those consumes. Or if they pvp a lot - they may need to buy gold to sustain that habit.
This is mostly regarding carries that do GDKPs to earn, they will have no problem getting gear regardless of the system.
In GDKPs they generally earn enough gold to buy what they want on the AH but aren’t super rich, whereas if they have to buy gold - they may buy more in a single transaction than they would have earned in GDKPs throughout the phase. And there is no way to spend it in GDKPs so it will all go into the economy.
people bought gold for consumes well before gdkps took hold in classic, early on i would say at least half the raid team in the guild i was in was just rmt’ing gold for consumes.
a lot of people just REALLY hate farming or legit do not have the time (or were ranking), but still want to exist in a high end guild that would require you to put in significant time farming to get all your required consumes without buying gold.
gdkp has never been the only driver for rmt, its just a big and obvious one.
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The amount you contradict yourself is absolutely astonishing.
It doesn’t go into the economy but they spend it at the AH putting into the economy. Thank you this has been hilariously entertaining
Never said it was the only driver. Epic mounts, consumes, epic boes all give an incentive for the lazy to buy gold in addition to GDKPs.
But they can’t take epic mounts, consumes, and epic boes out of the game to reduce the demand for gold like they can with GDKPs so here we are.
And the reason I asked him that was because i knew the gold was going back into the economy contrary to their claim that it doesnt
Because you can buy ‘what you want on the AH’ with just a % of total GDKP earnings. (BOEs are generally less exciting for GDKP players since the similar items in the GDKP are usually much much cheaper to buy than off the AH) The rest you save for items - they are literally your dragon kill points.
Without GDKPs, there’s no incentive to hold gold.