If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

I dont think you honestly comprehend that no one is forcing you to do a gdkp. Its the same system as dkp. Its a joke honestly that you are worried about how another group raids and it impacts you in no way. No one in the GDKP is being held against their will for that “the most powerful end game gear”…absolutely no one. They want to come. And that drop can drop on your raid. It literally does not impact you whatsoever, but here are all you little children crying to get your way and blizzard pandered to you over a system that was created by the community itself and done for almost 20 years. congrats. and those other things surely are pay to win with your logic. It does not have to be the only best item in the game to be considered pay to win. You all are hypocrites and its baffling to say the least

this is particularly tasty salt :yum:

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Just an fyi: repeating that nonsense over and over doesn’t make it true.

As far as the rest of your post…calling people children and hurling insults is an interesting approach. Probably won’t pay off though.


Repeating that banning GDKP is a solution over and over doesn’t make it true. You have every opportunity to debate the merits, as I’ve done.

except blizz has already explicitly said in a blue post its a driver for rmt and botting, and its just completely obvious and self evident that if you allow a loot system based on gold more rmt/botting is what will happen.

all the wailing for data when this is literally exactly what has happened in every mmo that has openly allowed rmt for loot/items (including multiple versions of classic) is just dumb and desperate cope, why would SoD be the exception?

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WoW openly allows RMT for loot/items? How long did you think about this post before posting it?

How do you get wow tokens again?

Sounds like you should fix rmt/botting then. They will continue to exist with or without GDKP. And it won’t have as much of an impact on botting as you imagine. The impact is on inflation. This is covered in my other thread.

Anyway, you posted 16 times in my other thread on the topic and stated you don’t care to read why. So thanks for the bump I guess?

Not in classic wow.

100% agree the root problem is botting/rmt, not gdkp, and the easiest way to fix it is just to permaban gold buyers, but blizz is and has always been unwilling to do that.

gdkp becomes a non issue if there is a not a load of botted/rmt’d gold sloshing around the system to support it, but GDKP ban is a far easier/more palateable fix from blizz’s point of view, so this is the half measure solution we get, which is still a good thing

please continue raging about it though, im sure blizz will get right on rolling back the gdkp ban any day now :popcorn:

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This isn’t going to stop.

RMT and GDKPs are inherently linked. I didn’t realize just how much they were until SoD, where the only thing to spend the insane gold people are buying is GDKPs. I’m wondering if that finally opened the devs’ eyes on the issue as well.

Also, the gold buying aspect is only part of the reason they’re being banned. It degrades traditional social structures. That’s something the GKDPers are completely ignoring as they make illogical, irrational arguments.


You clearly don’t run GDKPs. My split was 92s last night and most items sell for 5g

The 10k user gdkp discords not social enough for you? No community in wow is larger than gdkp communities. And people from all guilds come together.

Sounds like you should fix rmt/botting then. They will continue to exist with or without GDKP.

a post ago you were saying blizz should fix the rmt/botting instead of banning the GDKP’s.

so your argument is instead of banning gdkps blizz should do something to stop to stop the botting/rmt which you also say wont stop no matter what?

if thats the case the next best option is indeed banning the GDKP’s lol

and thus, here we are

That wasnt apart of your definition.

Huh? I said rmt/bots will continue and banning gdkp isnt a solution. I never said rmt/bots cant be stopped.

We put a man on the moon. We can stop a bot farmer in wow.

i misunderstood what you were trying to say with the first post i quoted then.

on the overarching point that blizz should deal with the gold buyers/botters over the gdkp enjoyers, i totally agree with you.

but they are unwilling to do that, and they apparently are willing to do this, which will still have a huge impact on the amount of RMT/gold buying happening (assuming they bother to enforce it adequately)

so while yes, it is an imperfect and probably in the long term inadequate solution, ill take it.

This is such a a great idea…it’s global dkp. With out the G … Don’t understand why people would dislike this idea… Emblimes…just make each boss drop 2 emblimes and an last boss drop 8… Let people bid on gear with emblimes… That way your dkp is good from guild to guild and even in pugs… On realease of next tier let them be able to be converted 10 to 1 or something…that gives geard players a reason to still run raids… That’s what I’m taking away from this Post… Great idea

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on this we agree