If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

The alternatives? The other loot systems… The game was fine before GDKPs, when players realized they could just buy gold and buy gear.

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They are fixing it, and one of the ways they’re doing so is banning GDKP lmao.

Dude, you’re not entitled to play any way you want. You’re only entitled to play how Blizzard allows you. This is really all that needs to be said. Either deal with it or go play something else.

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The community is in charge of the game direction and it is the job of the devs to listen. In this case they are actively getting in the way of a community-driven solution. Very draconian and very short-sighted.

If the anti-gdkp crowd could read they’d be very upset.

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Lmao no it isn’t. Bahahaha I cannot believe you actually believe that. The only power you have is in your sub. Cancel it dude. You’ve made your stance well known here, to the point you now just look sad.


I’m voicing feedback, which is what the actual devs asked for. You’re the one here saying that the devs dictate what happens in the game. Their job, in fact, is to listen to feedback to shape the direction of the game. Thanks for the bump tho.

Their job is to make a profit. You can whine all you want, if you keep paying them $15, YOU are directly confirming this isn’t a big deal to you.



Nice chatting, might want to be a little more friendly next time.

By using the AH you’re confirming that you’re a hypocrite. A lot of RMT gold going through there bud.

“You are the bad guy based on this nonsensical premise I made up, what do you think about that???”


You bring up a very good point. The main reason people don’t like GDKPs is the RMT. If a system could be made that had the benefits of GDKP, without the associated RMT, I think it would be great. Working out the details might be tricky but it can probably be done.

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How is it nonsense if it’s true?

You literally ignore the multiple key differences between the AH and GDKP.

You’re a bad faith actor here. You don’t deserve anyone taking the time to refute your nonsensical points directly.

Be a better person, maybe we can debate.

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GDKP would have never gotten off the ground without RMT the pots would have to small to bother.

but Blizzards lackadaisical stance on RMT caused the popularity of GDKP to rise, and once word got around that you could either - buy gold without much risk, or rake in huge pots of gold for the same reason.
It was off to the races.

You can’t tell me how you tell the difference between RMT gold on the AH or in a GDKP. So you’re right there’s no debate bud.

Keep whining here, I’m sure you’ll convince everyone eventually of your vast mental superiority by repeatedly calling folks hypocrites for stupid reasons.

Not exactly a stupid reason. Where do you think dirt cheap herbs on the AH come from? If you bought them you’re complicit in RMT. You can try coloring it any color you want, but it’s all the same.

I don’t buy herbs lmao, I pick them and make my own consumes, sell the extras.

Wrong again!

That’s good for you. How about your guildies?

Lmao keep digging this hole.

“Okay, but what about every single person you’ve ever grouped with, huh? Checkmate!”