If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

So you never understand nuance? Great, smoothest of brains.


I just want a source on your info of it not being a problem by comparison.

Regardless if you like GDKPS or not blizzard is only doing this because as a multi billion dollar company they refuse to hire even 1 single person to police realms for bots. Could spend 3k a month paying someone 20/h to do it. They’re too cheap.

Those wrath gdkps are all laundered bought gold. Those gdkp runners are making bank selling that gold for real money. I’ve been in multiple and the raid makers even “joke” that they quit their day job because running 8 gdkps a week pays better. Gold buying is a real problem as well as the bots.


Then its even weirder that you then pay for loot that you should be able to get just by running the raid.


So many GDKP haters are simultaneously experts in what happens in GDKPs and are educating us GDKPers on how we operate.

Your self awareness is off the charts

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You’ve got 33 total posts and 27 of them are a strange trolling fixation on my thread. Your posts are either off topic, personal attacks, or make no sense whatsoever. Please leave my thread.

Still zero self awareness whatsoever it’s actually unreal how often you call yourself out like this. 27 posts? You’ve been crying and playing victim for over a hundred no doubt, perhaps over two hundred, and made no points in the process.

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Guess not, thanks for the bump?

Join a guild




The solution they’re offering you is playing the game with the rest of us or finding a different game to waste your real life money on you absolute mongloid


This is just you making things up to suit your argument.

And the irony to make this post after demanding someone else “source their info.”

Just stop.



You clearly do

I could care less, but then it wouldnt be fun watching swipers react.

Great writing and attention span for a toddler. Well done.

Fair, far be it from to police the sociopathic tendencies of others

Its on this very website, funny if you go looking what can happen.

But lemme explain

Pot cost is 1-4 gold per

Bro puts up pot for 2 gold, dude that swiped purchases, nothing happens because its within the norms of the system (until maybe recently with how wide a context the gdkp ruling is) and it literally has zero impact on anything because its within the typical price of the item.

Dude puts up pitchfork for 5k, swiper buys it, its flagged because who the hell spends 5k on a pitchfork?

If its too good to be true, or seems way off,thats when they look into it.

This is true for gdkps and gold sending, trading. No one cares that you gave a friend 8 gold so he can get a rune and finish his 25 spells. Its quite sus when you get given 6-12k from a dead account or known gold transfer account or large sums of post run, and they more than likely look at the chat logs for in game bids to be able to determine if they were from an RMT account or gold trade/buy account.

Before you start, we know that the prices arent high right now in bfd, but if they didnt nip it in the bud the costs would grow exponentially as more and more gold is acquired through various means as the seasons progressed.

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All you have to do to realize gdkp is not good for the game or the vast majority of players is look at all the versions of WOW that have allowed it. They are a cesspool of gold buyers and sellers, with the market and economy out of control. Have you looked at era AH prices lately?
You make points in your post. But not good ones. I suspect that people complaining about the ban on gdkp are the ones buying gold.
In no instance has gdkp helped the game, it only helps the gold buyers skip playing the game and converts it to a pay to win system.
If you want to do gdkp, go play era.

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