If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

He actually has no clue, his MCS is blinding him to it.

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its not pay to win to do gdkp…its in game currency…is it pay to win to use AH? is it pay to win when you buy the mounts, consumes, etc? the hypocrisy from you people is astonishing. Also all those problems do indeed exist in a guild. Maybe you havent experienced it within these 2 months of SOD, but rest assured it is more common than you think

is this why GDKP raids, on my realm anyway, are consistently more performative than every other type of PUG and even some guilds?
A regular GDKP i attended was one of the first TOGC clears on the realm lmao.


i dont know how many people will quit, but i will quit for sure once they ban GDKP.


Love that for you


Fixed, typos do happen sometimes

And nothing of value was lost.

I’d be glad to see the gold buying whales leave, but they won’t. Maybe some will migrate back to Wrath Classic where they can continue to buy gold and buy gear. But they’ll still be paying Blizz.


Sorry to burst your bubble but 10,000’s would still a minority make, in regards to the wow player population as a whole!

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Was a minimum parse requirement given when you were invited to the raid? If not, then the answer to your question is yes.


Except that your playstyle DOES harm us by incentivizing bots and gold buying, which leads to inflation.


Trash take.
AH and gold dumps do the same thing. Wow token is popular for a reason.

Should we remove the AH and all trading as well?

See you all in a couple of weeks when this does absolutely nothing to curb botting and rmt.

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I completely agree. I’ve never done gdkps, but I think I understand a decent gist of the benefits especially compared to pugs with SR, ms>os, dkp, loot council, etc, and they are definitely fair criticisms and benefits. I think it might be the best pug loot system if only it wasn’t using gold as the currency considering the strength of gold in WoW and the impact of RMT/botting into bis gear from raiding gdkps. Would be cool to see them implement an in-game dkp loot system that mirrors exactly what GDKP does. You acquire the in-game dkp currency just from playing the game: questing, mob drops, and raiding/dungeons, etc. It is a non tradeable currency unlike gold though. You can join a raid/dungeon using the in-game dkp loot system as the currency in auction bid system, similarly to gdkps, and the game disperses the loot and currency itself instead of ML. Maybe so the currency has some value outside of the raids, it can be used on some vendors to purchase BoP only items, such as raiding consumables maybe BOP versions of profession materials. It might require a dkp reset every new content patch so people aren’t just holding onto tons of currency as what can be seen with traditional dkp in guilds putting newer members at a disadvantage. That’s one of the benefits of gold, its universal, switching raid groups/guilds doesn’t mean you lose all your "g"dkp. There’s probably some things I’m missing and problems that can arise from something like this

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well congrats to you then, i cant play wow all day everyday like you. you won. going back to Diablo 4 lol

This isn’t an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure. Just go.


No. None of those things are pay to win. Buying the most powerful end game gear with gold is. There is a reason that BOE gear is almost never bis.

Do you honestly not comprehend the difference between using gold to buy a mount and using it to purchase your best in slot raid gear?


This just keeps getting funnier.

Every time someone brings up the auction house with zero information as to why its not really a problem in comparison but can be has the IQ of a sponge.

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so that’s why you buy gold. wow, that’s great

have some self-respect man


So bought gold doesn’t go to the AH? Cool.