If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

I’ve responded to probably 150 comments. Are you serious?

I literally never said that even once.

You keep projecting about bad-faith engagement when you are the one outright lying about what others have said, playing the victim, moving the goal posts, and trying to shift the burden of proof. If I were teaching a class about how to spot bad-faith argumentation, I could use your posts as examples of nearly all of the most common types of bad-faith engagement.

A week ago, I could not possibly have cared less about GDKP. The behavior of you and the other cry-babies on these threads over the last two days has made me overjoyed that it is being banned.

Replying with no substance is something you’ve been calling others out for this whole thread. Address the person’s full post, attempt to do this right, and stop cherrypicking for snide responses. This discussion might actually get somewhere - and it might help if you stop recoiling into victim status at every perceived sleight.

  1. only the top 100ish have sub 15.
  2. every top team run the exact same comp, and you likely don’t even need to look at the logs to guess the comp of you have 1 brain cell.

2x healers, Hunter, Mage, 4x Warriors, Feral Druid and a fill slot.

The majority of people who run bfd do not optimize for this team comp.

  1. most people don’t speed run and so the raid is slowed by loot distribution

  2. it’s a 30-40 minute raid in reality. Also it’s the only one we have so it is the only one to talk about.

It’s fair to assume we’ll be doing 10 man through probably the next two phases, it’s not irrelevant

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  1. I didn’t say I’ve experienced it, I said it’s easy to catch and told you how.

  2. If you aren’t gear checking the people in your raid that are pugs idk what to tell you other than you’re bad.

  3. rmkers buying items out from under people who need them is definitely a much bigger issue than someone taking off all their gear to pretend they don’t have any.

  4. “I’m going to not engage with you by replying to you” :man_facepalming: guess I couldn’t expect something intelligent from you.

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You made the once a year statement, I simply accepted it and said that’s still too often. In reality the rate of this behavior is much more common.

Your experience does not make an argument and I’m not saying your experience is wrong (though I doubt it is the experience of your entire raid team). You’re trying to suggest that toxic players are not a problem you need to solve for despite there being many, many examples of this behavior. Don’t take my post, take all the folks in here that support me, or all the folks from my other threads, or the entire community of Era and WoTLK…go look for yourself in trade chat or these forums and you’ll see for yourself.

You don’t think the problems solved by GDKP are worth it. I think they are. The difference is I’m not trying to ban your playstyle. You are. That’s wrong.

Thanks, that’s all I needed from you.

What do you want me to respond to? You told me this morning you made posts just to incite a response from me, now you are complaining that I’m calling out a lack of substance? Get a grip dude.

But yours does? You’ll just deny any experience that contradicts your dumbass list, so where does that leave us?


It’s hilarious how you can always tell when you’re talking to a right wing extremist. They literally cannot hide the selfish, uneducated, inaccurate views they hold on the world/society.

:sob::sob::sob: I want this because it’s beneficial to me and no one who isn’t me matters :sob::sob::sob:


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My experience alone would not. However, GDKP is popular with 10s of thousands and many of them are in this thread. I’m also not the one claiming that toxic behavior in ms>os only occurs once a year, which is completely outrageous.

quit paying or leave, g-girl

I was mostly the same way. I didn’t see a need to rub the GDKPers noses in it getting banned.

But watching all these gold buying whales coming out with horrible arguments all because they can’t handle the fact they won’t be able to just swipe a card and buy gear anymore has changed my attitude. They deserve to be mocked and laughed at.

And shockingly about 90% of them are on just made level 10 characters with 0 posts. In other words…it’s a handful of people on an army of alts.

Oh, and I was just reading a thread on the Classic subreddit of a discord GDKP organizer quitting over this. Poor fella won’t be able to sell the gold he makes from running GDKPs anymore. That brought a smile to my face.


umm, what? Please leave my thread.

Thanks, that’s all I needed.

Free speech for you but not for me huh? Isn’t that always the way with your type.


Pure entitlement from start to finish. You don’t deserve easier loot in this version of the game, nobody does. Get it through your thick skull. It’s very simple, and it’s been made very clear.

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The personal vendettas and attacks on me only provide more evidence that the actual merits of your case are weak and that this entire ban is a witch hunt because you’re mad.

He’s very upset he can’t buy gear anymore, so he’s doing the only thing he can: flagging posts of people laughing at the fact he can’t just buy gear anymore.

Which just makes me :rofl: