If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Yes, except your points live and die with that specific raid group. So it isn’t the same at all and there are very good reasons why this is virtualy non-existent.

Do you not see the irony in this?

Seems like a DKP is far closer in line with the community aspect Blizzard is trying to cultivate along with the RMT they’re trying to combat.

If you want to get mad, get mad at the RMTers and toxicity within GDKPs that led Blizzard to this decision.

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This is literally a 15 minute raid. Are you seriously using BFD as your supporting argument?

The vast majority of GDKP players don’t buy gold, this debunked argument is so old.

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GbpUSD from the guild [GDKP]. ROFL


You’re suggesting that it doesn’t happen often and you use your argument against you, you can’t prove a negative. What is clear is that many people in this thread do experience these problems, and far more frequently than once in a matter of years. The game has been out for weeks and there are LOTS of examples. You’re making a bad faith argument that it happens once a year. Okay, fine. Even once a year is too much. There you go.

No, it’s a stupid comparison.

I’ve taken part in GDKPs (way back in real WotLK) where the leader ninja’d all the gold and the item they wanted… so GDKP certainly wasn’t immune to people being turds.

Raiding with a guild isn’t great for everyone - some people can’t commit to a dedicated raid time due to IRL obligations, and some guilds just straight up have unfair loot systems. Furthermore, it isn’t uncommon to have someone horde points until the next content release (assuming there isn’t any decay / reset system in place), spend all their points getting geared up in the first 2-3 weeks, and bailing to join a “better” guild.

I can’t think of a better alternative than going to a straight token system. Sure, it may not give people a reason to continue raiding once they get all their gear, but what system does (aside of GDKP)? Have different tokens for different raids so that people aren’t fully geared on week 1.

  • No issue with unfair loot distribution
  • No issue with ninjas
  • No issue with loot trading
  • No funneling resulting in artificial gear progression
  • No possibility for GDKP or anything similar
  • Everyone walks away gaining something for their efforts.

Hell, they could even put in some high gold value items that people can buy with tokens if they don’t want gear - that would give people a reason to keep raiding.


That’s easy to say isn’t it, doesn’t make it true. Every attempt you’ve made has been in bad faith, trying to manipulate my words. Example, you spent an hour arguing with me about how I’m only talking about guild runs, when that is obviously not true. Stop spamming my thread with the same posts over and over.

This is the way, if we want to find a true solution.

Imo it’s fairly simple: keep the boss drops the same, add the token system on top to assist players aiming for certain items. If they get lucky and win the roll on a drop? Cool.

If not? They always make consistent progress toward the goal.

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Your entire post is a bad faith argument. “People will leave if there isn’t gdkp” lmao they don’t though? And the ones who do aren’t going to stay just for some gold. You saying something isn’t proof of it, and therefore saying no in response isn’t a bad faith response.

MS>OS means you don’t take random rolls over people who roll and actually need it.

“Oh but it’s ms for me” yeah well I inspected your gear and know you have it so…

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Dude, read the first sentence of the OP in this thread. You’re trolling, obviously.

Lol play the game normally and stop crying. It sounds like you really need your hand held just to enter a raid. Oh no, someone left the raid?!?! I guess we all have to leave now? Have you ever pugged any content at all lol? Ppl come and ppl go, and ppl always backfill, for the same reasons you are arguing against…


Way to sidestep responding, once again.

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Retail is the game that accommodates your dadcore schedules, by the way.

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It’s not a bad faith argument. It’s my experience and the experience of others. If you want to convince anyone that our experience is wrong, then the burden of proof is on you to show that this is a rampant enough problem to justify the certainty of the problems created by GDKP (and also that GDKP was superior to other potential solutions but let’s stick to one thing at a time).

You know that there is no way you can meet that burden of proof so you try to get around it by making the obviously ridiculous statement that even once per year is enough to justify your preferred solution.

See, that is what a bad-faith argument looks like.

If gear was made a bit less reliant on RNG people would have more time to play on alts. So whilest they may not raid as much per week on the one toon, they may raid with several and increase playcount in this regard. Im for dinar style systems personally. Its nice when your time is rewarded, especially considering you have to pay to play wow… it should feel more rewarding than many other games out there

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Wonder why it keeps swapping the character I’m posting on

If you’ve never experienced these problems consider yourself lucky.

But wait, you actually have because you’re saying you “catch” people trying to roll MS for items they already have. What about the one’s you didn’t catch? You have a complete inventory of every character in your raid? What about if they take the items off before joining your raid? Your arguments are thin and respectfully, I’m choosing not to engage.