If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Literally have never had it happen to me, and I’ve only seen 1 post for a partial run completion since like week 2 when it was nerfd.

I’m not asking you to link 9 million threads. I’m not saying, nor do I even know, what would qualify as sufficient evidence to prove that GDKP runs were “popular” during any particular period in the past. I’m just saying that the existence of a handful of forum threads isn’t sufficient evidence.

I think it’s very difficult to prove either way what was or wasn’t popular amongst such a massive player base 15 years ago.

Personally, I don’t care how popular it was or wasn’t. I just think we need to be aware of what is and is not sufficient evidence for any claim.

If gdkp ever took over retail raiding like this at any point it would have been slapped down by Chris Metzen. It was a novelty at best.

It’s very telling that you went after me for providing actual evidence but didn’t say a word about the two people claiming it wasn’t popular based on anecdotal experience. Anyways, I’m not wasting any more of my time with you.

My guild does SR on WotLK and it’s worked out great. We haven’t bothered with it on SoD because the lockout is only 3 days, so we do just plain MS>OS there.

uhh, what? I’ve already said I’m not gonna engage with you dude, you keep posting nonsense that is off topic. You don’t seem understand what the OP is saying.

I went after you because they weren’t making a positive claim and so they couldn’t possibly provide evidence. Anecdote is all they could possibly have.

What evidence could anyone possibly provide to show that something wasn’t popular? You cannot prove a negative.

Like it or not, the burden of proof is always on the person making the positive claim. If you are going to claim you have evidence that something was popular and all you have are a handful of forum posts about the practice, yeah I’m going to point out that you have fallen way short of your burden of proof.

What’s pretty clear is what I wrote in the OP.

Were some people doing GDKP in 2010? Yes. Was it anywhere near as popular then as it is now? Not at all.

I don’t buy gold, got another argument?

It’s not off-topic or nonsense. You suggested that the possibility of a single instance of the problems you outlined over a span of years would be sufficient to justify living with the certainty of the problems created by GDKP. That is an example of extremely poor risk calculation.

Have you ever heard of the personal incredulity fallacy? Your inability to understand something isn’t proof that it is false.

It’s not very disputed that GDKP dominates Era and WoTLK. If you want to see for yourself take a look. It’s so undisputed in fact, that GDKP haters point at it as evidence to support banning GDKP.

You really invested some time into this one. If this is your view I’m just gonna let you have this one mate.

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What you wrote in the OP has been shown to be utterly nonsensical fear-mongering about toxicity meant to justify behavior that most of the player base and the devs believe to be antithetical to the spirit of SOD.

Your outrage has nothing to do with avoiding toxicity. It has everything to do with you being mad that you can no longer sell raid clears for gold.


GDKP is a community driven solution to the problems I’ve highlighted. Blizzard never asked us, nor did they offer any solutions of their own. Just an uninformed draconian ban.

I can make stuff up too, but I won’t. Thanks for the bump.

You really cant win arguing with stupid lol.

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1-5 Are not simply addressed by a proper ms>os. If you want to assert that they are you’re gonna need more than 8 words to do so.

The rest (and really your entire post) is really just a bad faith argument for argument’s sake. Next.

Ahh we’re back to the “not a true gdkp if it isnt flawless” argument, while conveniently ignoring the fact that EVERY loot system works flawlessly with no bad actors. You perceived a problem where there was none, you’re just too blinded by entitlement to play by the same rules as the rest of us. How dare you call out others for bad faith arguments at this point.
Such insolence, such arrogance.

This is a response to “pay to win” arguments. Firstly, paying anything is against TOS and that’s the problem we agree on. Secondly, bidding on drops that you helped earn is not the same as buying something from the shop, as folks are suggesting. You c’mon, man.