If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

This is obviously not true and a modicum of research into the topic shows that. Like I said, I could link millions of threads and your opinion wouldn’t change because some people don’t care about the truth.

Your gaslighting isn’t going to work on me. Not when I played WoW every day back then and saw how it was with my own eyes.

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TiL that gaslighting is providing actual evidence instead of anecdotal experience from 15 years ago.

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Excellent post.

GDKP is primarily a pug loot system, which is where all those things happen all the time.

See above.

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It’s humorous that you continue to lean on argumentum ad populum despite not even offering a shred of evidence that your premise is even correct.

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  1. Wrong. Some just buy to add to the pot
  2. Wrong. Upbid by some1 else
  3. Wrong. You could bid and win for someone and make your gold back with payout so basically free
  4. People leave gdkps all the time
  5. People leave gdkps all the time
  6. Wrong…sometimes gdkps cant fill
  7. Wrong…sometimes theres a grey parse gets no cut
  8. Wrong. People stop playing all the time
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Agreed. I only run Sotf reserve runs

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Who is cheating? Most the people in those runs do NOT swipe, you are assuming when it’s false

Secondly, deliberately take advantage? We don’t enforce it… in fact we are advocating for blizzard to enforce their TOS to ban RMT as should everyone else here as that’s the root of it all

In addition. Everyone that sells BOEs, mats, consumes or any other interaction with AH listings too is receiving illicit gold that from those that SHOULD be banned

You are attacking a large portion of innocent people, this will not end either RMT or bots and if you were sincere about your reasons for banning gdkps you would be focusing on the actual problem (RMT) and not one of the MANY outlets

Why would anyone spend money to get less money back? Huh? I have seen people bid on items they didn’t need though.

Spending your payout is obviously not free.

Not really. It’s FAR less of an issue than in other pug loot systems, and it is easier to replace people too.

People sometimes just bid on stuff to add to the pot because the pot is terrible. It happnes

The title of your post implies that somehow GDKP is compulsory, and its banning actually requires a solution. I don’t think Blizz sees it that way.

Not that anyone asked before banning, but let’s consider a loot system that takes all the good from GDKP and leaves all the bad. I would target a new system that enables the same bidding and distribution to players as GDKP, but does so with a soulbound currency. If we earn raid emblems, for example, and use those to bid on gear - then the only way to farm the emblems is to kill raid bosses and/or get a distribution from completing a raid.

I like this idea.

90% of what OP said doesn’t happen in gdkps, happen in gdkps.

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1 - 5) A proper ms>os accounts for all of them.

  1. Nothing will stop players who don’t care about anything but their item and want to leave after their boss doesn’t drop it from leaving. “Oh but we pay them at the end”. The people willing to ditch a raid when they don’t get their item also don’t care about your gold.

  2. How the … Are you wiping post nerf bfd? Also see 6, same basic argument.

  3. You essentially are just offering someone payment to help you finish, which you can do without it being a GDKP.

  4. That’s part of the game. If you don’t like it, why are you here?

  5. Why should they? Unless they are in a guild and enjoy doing it with their friends.

This is pretty laughable. If you buy gold, then use that gold to bid on items that are literally BoP to prevent selling for gold, via a workaround…

C’mon, man.

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It’s a vastly less common occurrence in GDKPs than in other pugs to have someone leave in the middle.

This is a built-in DKP system. You guys can literally do this via the same exact methods and planning as GDKP, you just track, accrue, and spend contribution points instead of gold.

Wrong wrong wrong

Anyone who does GDKP is cheating following Feb 8 :slight_smile:

Exactly. You don’t enforce that the people buying the items in your raid didn’t swipe it. You enjoy having them in there because they make the pot bigger.

:poop: ← The AH scapegoat

I don’t need to attack anyone, your behavior is antithetical to the experience they want to offer in SoD. Get down or lay down.

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8 posts about the issue from a player base of 9 million players isn’t evidence that something was widespread or popular. Most people know it was a thing, and that’s all that finding a handful of posts about it shows.

If you want to claim that it was popular, you are going to need more than what you have provided to constitute sufficient evidence for your claim.

I can see something around 20 Blizzard posts in threads about GDKP from 2010 alone. I don’t need to link 9 million threads like you’re requesting.

137k view video about GDKP from 2010:

Of course no matter how much evidence I link it will never be enough for trolls.