If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

I never said they were divorced. Are you intentionally being hyperbolic? I was pointing out that GDKP can and does exist with or without gold buying/selling. Case in point, I don’t buy gold, wouldn’t, and I’m a newly converted GDKPer.

Now that you understand my point above, maybe you and others can see my actual point.

You really don’t think far beyond the plain words on the screen do you?

Yeah ya did bud. word have meanings.

Never said otherwise, however you are not all GDKP players and there is a population within GDKP that did. Enough of one that it has become an issue worth addressing.

Your point is that you are upset you can’t throw gold at something and expect to get it now.

Post something coherent and it might be worth my time to decipher. Currently you don’t know what words mean so I am hesitant to continue with you.

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You are entitled to disagree and believe that once is too much, but the overwhelming majority of people will find that position to be completely unserious. It’s like refusing to put your child in a car seat because in exceedingly rare cases a malfunctioning seat could possibly harm a child. It demonstrates that you do not have an adult understanding of risk when you organize your entire loot system to prevent something that almost never happens.

What complete nonsense. GDKP is notorious for enabling raid logging since you don’t need to farm, and all your time online is spent at the AH buying consumes or in an instanced raid.

If you guys log out after BiS and don’t come back til next phase, literally nobody would notice because as GDKP players you aren’t part of the community at large anyway.


You misunderstand. This is not me misinterpreting what you wrote. This is you not understanding the obvious implications of what you wrote.

At this point, it’s pretty clear that you host GDKP runs in order to enrich yourself and that’s why you are whining so much about this decision. If you were really concerned about avoiding toxicity, you would cultivate a good community and play within that community. You just like being able to sell raid clears for gold.

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Just attacking the over inflated self worth. Nobody cares, or knows which is why you had to post a resume.

it is a fantastic solution as evident by all the botters and goldbuyers/sellers complaining about gdkps being removed
it doesnt even force PUGS into a loot casino… quit your yapping

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this is blatant and obvious trolling, gdkp directly correlates with a paying to win mmorpg and any attempts to justify it are seen as defense of bot farms and rmt


This is why I’m thrilled that Blizzard is attempting to implement follows for dungeons… and I hope they succeed and allow this option for lower dungeons. this way I don’t have to listen to all your wah wah…

Looking for an alterative?:

LMFAO okay.

  1. Nobody believes you even a little bit.

  2. If that WERE true, how tf do you let it happen 3 times?

  3. There are SO MANY workarounds to this problem you’ve invented in your mind. I’ve raided at the top of MMOs for 20 years (Between this game and two games that rhyme with Schmeverqwest) and have never seen nor even HEARD OF a DKP system getting “hacked” lmao. Save a hard copy on your desktop and upload it to a website if you’re that paranoid about this problem that definitely exists and isn’t just some made up nonsense for you to use as an argumentative tool.

How suspicious that a GDKP supporter would LIE on the internet about something that happened so that they can pretend GDKPs are the best system that harms nobody. :joy:


Just wanted to stop back in and see the schizo overnight responses and was not disappointed by the pure ignorance on display. Good luck phase 2, if confronting reality is this hard for you you’re gonna need it


I’ve played since OG WotLK and never even heard of GDKP until Classic launch in 2019.


Yup. People just like to reinvent history. GDKPs weren’t a popular thing until very recently.

Now he’ll go off and spend 6 hours scouring the internet to find a single post from 2010 talking about GDKPs and say, “See!!! See!!! People were doing them back then!”

It’s hilarious the cope some people have.


It wasn’t an unknown thing back then but it was a novelty because people still preferred to play the way the game was clearly designed to be played, and the illicit gold market had not destroyed server economies yet. These servers are barely 2 months old and completely inflated by rampant botting and gold selling. It’s truly disgraceful.

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It was actually fairly popular among korean players even back in the day, why that matters to anyone at all is beyond me though.

30 seconds with google because I know how to use basic internet search functions:

Thread about GDKP with a blue post:

Of course there’s many more but facts don’t matter to you two. These threads are all from 2010, I could probably find ones from 2009 but I did a quick search for ones from 2010.

Here’s a few more threads with blue posts. Decided to search the blue tracker:

There’s WAY, WAY MORE but does it matter? I could link two billion threads and Zaalg and Shadows would still say it’s not enough evidence.

Obviously false, but Zaalg knows that.

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Wah wah

9 million players, 8 posts.

Thanks for confirming it wasnt big.


I played on multiple servers from 2009-2019 and never once heard of GDKPs on any of them. They may have occurred, but they were incredibly rare.

Playing the game without buying gold.