If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

They aren’t buying the gear, they are killing the boss that drops the gear, then bidding with the teammates that killed it. It is a loot distribution. What you are describing is opening the wow shop and buying gear with a credit card. Nobody is discussing buying gear directly.

Thunderbrew Ring is definitely BIS. There’s a few other items but considering phase 2 is on the horizon they’re not springing to mind.

Have you looked on the AH?

Okay bub.


I’ve been playing since OG WotLK and have never seen toxic behavior when MS>OS was enforced correctly. The greedy goblins who throw a fit when they don’t win something are the toxic people, regardless of loot system.

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We landed a man on the moon. RMT can be solved.

No, I didn’t say I have them occasionally. I said they are exceedingly rare, to the tune of once or twice in the entire life of a guild.

And by your own admission, that imposes a different set of problems. You are submitting yourself to the certain problems of GDKP in order to protect yourself from problems that almost never happen in a decent community.

I would say “thank you” for proving me right about your inability to concede an indefensible point, but it brings me no joy to be correct about that.

It isn’t pay to win, that would be if the items are in the shop. You have to down a boss and get the drop by bidding amongst friends. And with RMT against terms of service, pay to win is already banned. If you don’t like GDKP that’s fine but don’t act like it is the same thing.

Not anymore Lmao.

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The AH is an in-game system. Blizzard wants people to buy and sell on it. They don’t want people bidding off dungeon and raid drops that are BOP.

So that’s one out of hundreds of total gear slots when you account for all of the classes and specs available right now.

How many others are we talking about? Because right now you seem to be talking about significantly less than 1% of all gear slots where a BOE is the BIS item.

Yes, and I have literally never seen a BOE that expensive at any point during Phase 1.

I mean, I don’t really feel like arguing with someone who put his head in the sand. If you want to be wrong, go ahead, continue to be wrong. Doesn’t bother me.

That’s your opinion and I disagree. Once is too much.

GDKP is far less problematic than MS > OS or any other loot system.

That’s your take, not mine. Not going to debate this with you. Recommend taking me at what I said, not how you read it.

That’s your opinion, I disagree. Once is too often.

You’re saying that, not me. I’m saying MS>OS opens you up to be the victim of a toxic player. I host GDKPs because it makes me immune to most toxic things they could possibly do. And rest assured I will kick them when I find out who they really are.

I do give people a chance, and I do punish them then they are shown to be toxic. I just don’t suffer the consequences of the behavior like someone in a MS > OS group must.

And there are a multiple people in this thread telling you the opposite. The difference is I’m not asking to ban the way to want to play the game. You are free to play how you choose.

I am aware the majority of the organization for these is out of game and in discord, I may have posted a personal anecdote to counter theirs but I am not so foolish to think they don’t happen at a similar rate to other PUG types.

However it is similarly foolish to think that they are the predominantly run or advertised PUG loot system on every server. Since I take it that GDKP was all you ran up until recently, I can see how this would make you see your chosen PUG style as the predominant, when in reality it is probably a pretty equal distribution of PUG types.

Either way nobody here is in a position to say what the entire community prefers or which system is on top unless we see blizzard numbers.

I honestly agree with their decision though. At best it’s a small but large enough change to be an issue for the group of bad actors who ruined it for other players, at worst it was a hotbed of RMT and those legit players were just unaware or uncaring of the expanding issue.

If you start poking at places where RMT gold is spent, which sadly for some was GDKP runs, you start taking away reasons for gold to be bought.

There will always be people buying gold, but that amount of people can be smaller, and this news is already having an effect on gold prices so that is probably a good thing for reducing RMT and hopefully by extension will reduce botting.

INB4 “why are you looking at that?”
I liked to know how worth it WoW tokens were comparatively.

Preach OP brother. I can’t get over these people and Blizzard claiming this will be a major blow to RMT. Hilarious.

I feel like someone watched a youtube video about gold farms and saw them use the “here is you GDKP payout” as cover for selling gold to someone in mail, and they were like oohhh, so it’s for GDKP…oooOooohhh…

I can’t fathom any other way these people that don’t do GDKP runs / know how it really works can be clapping for this choice. Before I ever decided to join one out of curiosity it sounded scummy and scammy. I left a true believer in GDKP. Now they’re banning it and I’m really disappointed. I do not buy gold. I appreciate the journey to earning what I want.

Now when I’m geared I’ll have no enjoyment from continuing to raid for my friends or for randoms.

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Why do we care about that?

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Bias exists in all of us. Who is the judge of the better upgrade? You’re presenting it as a science and it isn’t. Just because you agree with the decisions doesn’t mean they are unbiased. And it doesn’t mean they will always remain the same. Loot councils are ripe with problems all over this game. Congrats on having one that works.

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GDKP and gold selling/buying are independent of each other.

I have an idea! Lets also prohibit mages selling portals, locks selling summons, and lets remove the gold cost for everything in the game. Lets just keep letting the bots run wild though. Because you know what, surely they’re not a more relevant part of the real issue. Best to go after potentially and mildly correlated activities players can enjoy.

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They legit aren’t divorced from each other. Obviously at this point. Not all were RMT havens but you are fooling yourself if you think a system based on having wealth wouldn’t increase someone’s desire to have more. Which in turn helps secure high bids and prevent being out bidden.

That’s a lot of words for “I am going to argue in bad faith and make false equivalencies”

You know for sure they aren’t because you work on the team that busts the bots right? you aren’t totally just talking out your behind here yeah? (you are).

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Some of us enjoy escaping into this world. We don’t raid and log out until there’s a new patch. GDKP raids were one more way the world stayed alive and active. That’s why I care about that.

As I said, if they’re roughly equal upgrades, attendance is used - which is another objective value. Again, you keep insisting that there is bias, but fails to point out where.

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Checking out of this thread for now. I’ve replied to over 100 comments, got actual stuff to do. Please read devs.

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