If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

You joined my thread and keep spamming me with failed arguments. I’m responding to YOU. You dont have to be here. If you do choose to be here try debating the merits.

Nice personal attack in place of substance though.

And GDKP completely eliminates 10 ways they can be awful, as described in the OP

Are you seriously equating banning a single loot system out of many with banning all forms of player trade?

In the AH you just trade BoE items. In GDKP you trade BoP items, which are not normally meant to be traded (that’s why they’re BoP).

A “base” level of incentive to RMT will always exist as long as there is player trade. This is limited by the fact that you can’ buy everything. When you add in the possibility to buy with gold a full set of the best items you can get - mostly raid BoP items - you greatly increase the benefits and the incentive to RMT.

Player power is the most valuable thing you can get, and basically the end game for most players. Comparing it to buying materials on the AH is bad faith to say the least.


These issues happen all the time in pugs and guilds alike, including yours. Your raiders dont all share the same opinion on loot. I have a good guild and I haven’t had these issues since I used GDKP in 2019. Nice personal attacks tho.

If you read my post you would know im talking about both pugs and guilds.

Speaking of guilds, I guarantee yours doesn’t have full agreement on every loot decision. Stop trying to twist my words into a personal attack on me and my friends. Next.

And having a community that punishes toxic behavior will eliminate all of those and more without causing all of the problems GDKP does.

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What does the potion market have to do with GDKP? I think you’re confusing bot (which wont stop) with GDKP (which doesnt cause inflation)

You might not like GDKP but the community chooses it in every version of classic wow, and now the devs are trying to “save” the community from themselves. Next.

I never bothered to post here because I was too busy playing the game. That is, until I saw the insane policy come down and realized that this is what the devs need to see. I’m not havng fun here I assure you.

WoW = The club
Bots = criminals
RMT = the weapon
GDKP = purse/backpacks
Ban waves = the bouncer

You ban purses/backpacks from the club it makes it way harder for criminals to get their weapons into the club.

GDKP is exploiting the system to circumvent the loot system currently in place. Thats not negative in itself but when it creates a funnel for illicit RMT and encourages more of it is where it becomes a detriment to the game.

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You think everyone agrees with your decisions huh?

Guys, should we tell him? I’ll tell you. You’re the problem.

The first sentence of my post is that GDKP is imperfect and I go on to sugfest improvements. Next.

I’ve addressed this to death. My group is a bunch of people I like. That doesnt mean we always agree. Guess what, your group doesnt either. Thats why loot council doesn’t work.

Stop trying to attack me and my friends and pass that off as substance. Nobody is fooled by this thin attack.

In 20 years, I can count on one hand the number of times any guild I have been in has had any of the problems you described and my current guild never had any such problems throughout the entirety of phase 1. You assume that because you don’t know how to surround yourself with decent people to play with that no one else can and it says everything people need to know about why you are advocating so strongly against this change.

If you had a good guild then you wouldn’t need GDKP to keep them from descending into toxic behaviors. The mere fact that you believe GDKP is necessary to allow a guild to function without drama shows that you don’t have a good guild. Pointing this out is not a personal attack, but please continue to constantly play the victim in this thread. It definitely isn’t communicating to everyone that you are emotional and fragile.

I’ve read your post. At the moment, I’m just talking about the guild aspect because I find it so interesting that you outline a list of extremely toxic behaviors that you claim GDKP prevents even within guilds and you don’t seem to understand what that says about the people you are and have been in guilds with.

Again, you need to stop assuming that everyone struggles to find good and decent people to play with as much as you do. My guild does not have any of the drama you are talking about and several other people have told you the same. You are making personal guarantees about the experiences of others and you don’t seem to understand that this only speaks to your own bad experiences and has nothing to do with what others are experiencing.

Again with playing the victim. I’m not attacking you or your friends. I’m making a self-evident observation that a good group of people would not need GDKP to prevent the toxic behaviors you outlined. The fact that you are so certain your guild could not avoid those behaviors without GDKP tells all of us that you don’t think very much of your friends in game.

Thank you. That’s my point. Lets address the actual problem.

Being denied entry to a GDKP doesn’t prevent some one from forming a group and doing the content. People being so anti-social and lazy that they don’t want to put together a group is what alienates them. And since so many people are clearly against GDKP, starting a MS>OS group should fill pretty quickly.

Punishing the behavior doesnt eliminate it. It is a reaction to it. GDKP eliminates the risk of these behaviors. Not sure how to make this any more clear.

Your list of problems is not merely caused by people not agreeing. You explicitly mentioned a number of behaviors that would get someone banned immediately from any guild I have ever been in. If you need GDKP to prevent players from being toxic in your guild, then your guild is full of toxic people. That’s not even an opinion. It’s A = A self-evident logic.

Also, loot councils are not necessary with the content people are playing in SOD right now. I’m often the only mail wearer in my entire raid, and even if I weren’t, I have no problem with just need rolling for the gear I want. These quick and easy 10 man raids that reset multiple times per week are not complicated loot situations that require something like a loot council.

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Since Blizzard defined GDKP as any system where gold is exchanged for dungeon or raid items - maybe make the bid b consumables. So you bid 10 faps or 20 mana potion - each consumable has a set amount of points. That way people that join if they don’t get items at least get their raid consumables covered for awhile.

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Thank you for acknowledging the problems exist. Im happy you seem to be immune from them, though I doubt all your raiders would agree. The problems come along with the loot systems. Im acknowledging GDKP has problems, you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the same. Except you do acknowledge it, you just don’t think it happens enough to bother you. I disagree.


The only thing GDKP has that regular DKP does not is the incentive to continue to play even after getting geared. I’m not sure what the solution is to that.

My old classic guild experimented with DKP and LC on rare items with LC having very clear and transparent rules. We later moved to a soft-res, hard-res system, again with everything being as transparent as possible. The only people who seemed to have beefs with either system were unironically those who’d most likely take an item and dip.