If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Because loot drama is not the only way people can be awful and if you interact with enough people, you will always find some awful ones.

Pay to win is already against the rules. Enforce the rules. Gdkp is not pay to win. I dont pay anything but my subscription. Next.

What does this have to do with gdkp? Are you saying the toxic behavior that comes with ms>os is healthy for the game? Not sure the point here. Were talking about loot distribution mate.

Cry harder.

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If you had a good guild, then you wouldn’t have any of the problems that you outlined in the OP. All of those problems are the result of toxic players and toxic attitudes. What you mean to say is that you have a festering cesspool of toxicity for community and so you think this is the best loot system around because it works for toxic players.

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I dont get what I want every time. I lose bids constantly. Have you evee run gdkp?

That’s correct

No, they wont. Do you have any idea how much the potion market is going to drop? Prices will drop, no doubt.

My post is about both pugs and guild runs, give it a read.

On the topic of guilds, I guarantee you that your guild suffers from a number of the problems I’ve outlined, it is baked into loot council and ms>os. If you dont see it maybe its how others view you?

For example, who are you going to give a tanking item that your tanks don’t need to? The dps warrior who might tank or the rogue that thinks tank spec sounds interesting? Multiply that problem times every loot decision. Are you honestly going to claim you have no disagreements? Didn’t think so.

“If you are putting out a roaring, raging fire, what alternative solutions are you offering?”

“If you’re curing a cancer, what are you replacing it with?”

“You cleaned the poop off of my clothes, but you aren’t putting something else there?”


This is an entitled statement.

Welcome to real life. You have all the same opportunities I do, including running gdkp so that you earn more gold. You also dont have to participate in gdkp at all. The world is your oyster!

He has spent the last 24 hours wailing, gnashing his teeth, and throwing a fit on the forums about this. He’s the very definition of crying about it every minute of the day.

Your guess is wrong, and all it tells me is the kind of people YOU raid with.

Don’t surround yourself with terrible people and you will be able to have a loot system that does not benefit gold buyers.

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You cant just leave all the good of gdkps without and think people have the self control to not use the bad

There is no alternative to good gdkps…
Human life has no self control
Individual sure but this isn’t a solo game

Gear distribution has been done even before gdkps and somehow (I know a shock) is still fine

Just like gdkps you will have a bad experience

Quit acting like it was god gift to the world
It’s obviously a bigger issue than what it looked like

Great, you dont have to run gdkp if you dont like it. Doesnt mean the problems im highlighting with rolls and loot council dont exist. GDKP has flaws, we’ve established that. Give the OP a read.

If someone wins an item over me in a SR situation am I now banned from offering them gold to trade it me instead?

I’ve had this happen multiple times in retail, Classic-Vanilla, TBC Classic, Wrath Classic and SOD. Someone paid me 25g to trade them set boots that I won in a MS > OS + 1 run, will that now be banned?

I think people should get some clarification other than “LOL GDKP Banned”

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No one is advocating for RMT. The point that was made is that casual GDKP players that never before considered RMT will be faced with that decision when they no longer have gold income from GDKP a d cant afford flasks.

Ironically creating a RMT market that didnt exist before.

Nice to meet you, got anything to contribute? Just personal attacks?

I can’t get over the fact that you have bragged so much about your great guild while describing a list of toxic behaviors you supposedly “solved” by using GDKP.

If you have to resort to GDKP to prevent those kinds of awful, toxic behaviors in your guild, then your guild is full of the worst kind of toxic players.

This entire thread comes down to you surrounding yourself with the kind of people who are so selfish, toxic, and greedy that they have to be incentivized to do literally anything that might actually help someone else and then claiming that GDKP is the only solution. Sorry bro, the solution is to not surround yourself with a guild full of people that need GDKP to function without turning into a mob of toxicity.


You buy bot farmed materials from the AH and put gold in the pockets of botters. Yout support RMT. Ban the AH!!