If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Blizz has consistently proven they favour soft change and half measures when it comes to community issues like this. It’s frustrating as hell.

i don’t view it as bad for the game, i view removal of a “pay to win” system in an mmorpg to be only a net benefit, regardless of the opinions of those who want or “don’t mind” a p2w mmorpg. i would rather them not play the game than to have that system in the game, because i would not play the game if it continued to be in the game the entire time.
your so called “agency” does not matter to me when you degrade the quality of the game to a point where gear and runs and guilds themselves are trivialized by simply purchasing a wow token on the shop and trading gold via wrath to sod. this is not something i will budge on. gdkp is largely a huge market for TOS breaking activities, just like software was for multiboxxing, which eventually also got banned. sometimes things have to be banned and things aren’t as simple as “fix this and that with gm’s”


Has it ever occurred to any of you that the relentless pursuit of the path of least resistance is simply antithetical to the classic WoW experience that the SoD devs are trying to provide this season? Else Ashenvale mounts would work everywhere, nothing would cost anything ever despite being handed hoards of gold for nothing, and you’d just be able to choose what gear drops and everyone gets something! The game isn’t about getting what you want every time, it’s about having fun on the way - and if you can’t have fun in this game anymore without a payout in the end, you don’t belong here anymore as per the new rules.


Sure they do, they are talking about how in GDKPs you don’t have people needing loot they don’t want, ninja’ing for a friend, people being denied loot whereas in “guild runs” they potentially have these issues.

That’s 100% a personal problem if you are in a terrible guild that treats players that way.
It’s like saying paying for an escort is better than a real relationship because you know they are going to provide the sevice you want because they are being paid. That’s a personal problem due to the person having terrible relationships.

If you are playing in a functioning guild of respectable people there is absolutely no reason you need to add capitalism to your guild runs like OP said they have, the only reason to do so is because you are in a dysfunctional environment.
Hence “personal problem”.

It’s pretty damn obvious.

Not to even address the obvious glaring omission of issues in OPs statement ignoring things like inequality of player purchasing power.

It’s always the “haves” that push capitalist systems not the “have nots”. I’m sure GDKPs are flawless when you have 100k gold from buying gold off farmers and botting the AH :man_shrugging:

Remove the subjectivity then.
Giving the item to the wealthiest player doesn’t fix all problems either.
You think people aren’t going to be as annoyed that “xxhuntlordxx” wins all the drops just because they bought some gold?

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I would posit nearly every ‘carry’ in GDKPs will have zero problem finding a nice group of people to run with and easily get geared. Many get geared in SR / guild runs before turning to GDKPs already. Now those groups will not be willing to take players from outside unless that player is also geared and skilled at a similar level.

But those players are spending gold each time they run, it is easy to rationalize consuming when you want gear and parses. But after you have those - there is no incentive to take a geared toon to a run.

So people who would then take their geared toon to GDKPs and use those as their method of ‘farming gold’ are now in a situation which they have to either go out and farm or simply stop spending gold.

Overall less groups are being made and the amount of diverse raids (with both good and bad players) drops dramatically.

And the players that now need to farm, are now incentived to buy gold since they cannot carry GDKPs for quick gold anymore and farming in vanilla is boring af for many gamers.

The idea that gdkp players will flock to RMT when the payouts dry up is pretty telling.
‘Not enough time to play’ has never been a valid excuse to break the terms of service, and these people should be removed from the game if they cannot play by the same rules as everyone else.
If you ask me, you simply shouldn’t need incentives to keep playing when the server is barely 2 months old.


So thats why nobody here knows who you are, cause nobody cares.

can u share a source?

There are like 8 threads about you in the blacklist section in bene disc, everything from ninjaing to saying you hope other peoples kids die

I am utterly shocked that you would be advocating for the loot system that lets you buy your way past having to be a decent enough person to maintain a slot in a guild

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Yes, that is fair. That’s the whole point. If they bid more than you, they wanted it more than you. You have just as much opportunity as them. Stop trying to invent bias where there is none. This is not a GDKP problem.

The problem is you’re actually playing the game while everyone else is complaining on the forums. Blizzard devs aren’t going to get your opinion because you’re not literally crying about it every minute of the day. Now they’ve made their decision, not based on what people are actually doing, but what people are complaining about so it’s too late. You’re just going to get flamed by the cry babies.


You can’t say these are not a problem and simultaneously say they happen nore in pug gdkps. You are contradicting yourself by denying the problem exists, then saying it is more prevelant in a GDKP.

As long as weve established they exist, please explain how any of the 10 are possible in a GDKP. I’m arguing they arent because they can’t be, it is antithetical to the GDKP format. Gave you ever run a GDKP? Because you sound pretty uninformed.

We have none of these problems thanks to GDKP. However. The game is plagued with them.

I’ve been playing the game for 20 years and solved these 10 problems with GDKP. Try reading the OP. Next.

Even if you personally didn’t, your raids were full of people who did. Thus you still benefited from RMT and were part of the problem.

Cant debate successfully so back to personal attacks? Thanks for the bump.

Consider you run a bot farm. Are you going to turn off the revenue faucet just because you are getting less revenue? No, particularly for bots already running. Bots are basically free to operate. This changes nothing other than how much money they make. And the price will restabalize after the market shock settles. Econ is an interesting topic to study, recommend it.

Want to solve the botting problem? Solve the botting problem then.

It isn’t the next best solution because it isn’t a solution at all. It wont fix RMT and trying to fix it by going after GDKP is a strawman fallacy.

Gdkp has lots of flaws, but the point is this policy doesnt address any of the reasons the community flocks to GDKP. All it does is remove it and force players into a loot casino with rolling. The community rejected this loot system in every version of classic wow (in favor of gdkp)

This has been my experience as well. Joined my guild when WotLK pre-patch launched and have been raiding with them every week on Grobbulus and now Chaos Bolt too. We’ve never had any of the problems outlined in the OP.


I think it’s time to just ignore Bergelspamir.

Dude is being intentionally obtuse in trying to avoid the self-evident fact that GDKP is a consistent driver of RMT gold. (What does one need a lot of gold for once they have their Epic Mounts and Pre-Bis? BoP Raid Gear, there’s nothing else expensive to buy.)

(And yes, the same concept applies to SoD. Once you have your Pre-Raid bis and the best mount you can get, there’s nothing else to buy except BoP raid gear in a GDKP.)

Good day.


Not sure what point you are making besides demonstrating that you are not a software engineer. Not relevant to this thread tho.