If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Never cases of people with exponentially more gold than you deciding they want to lock you out of gear for a few weeks because they want to gear up their offspec, or just out of spite, or for their friend. Who’s to say they don’t just want and deserve these items more than you? Hey at least you get a little currency at the end, that makes it fair?

And Berg, you gotta actually provide something yourself first. Your OP blows and it’s just your (wrong) opinion when it’s made clear that pug(most) gdkps suffer from most of your list as often as MS/OS pugs.

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Ahh whats up swiper? Get any cool items lately with your credit card?


got any proof to go with that? no? thats what i though kid

Sounds like your guild just has a lot of personal problems.


gdkps have truly chosen their best and brightest to represent them in this

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sounds like they dont have any problems if you take the time to comprehend what he is saying.

anti GDKPers have yet shown their ban they are crying for will even do anything to stop people from RMT, infact it will increase it as now all the people the DIDNT buy gold that used those runs as a source of income may now resort to RMT to buy their raid consumes just like everyone was doing in classic wow… all to try and stop the very few within those grps from swiping lol…

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as soon as the ban was announced gold prices plummeted lmao learn about what you are yapping please

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ahh nice so people can buy even more gold now for their dollar… xD i like how you seem to be monitoring the price of gold… interesting

i like how you’re just blabbering about things you know nothing about, sorry your bot got devalued

This is not how GDKP works, if you believe this, I can understand why you hold some of the opinions you do.
Doing something like this is not sustainable without huge amounts of RMT (RMT is the real problem here, its not enforced properly).
Even if someone does RMT heavily enough to ‘lock you out for weeks’ they make everyone else in the raid, including you, much richer. Every week it becomes much harder for them to ‘lock you out’, as everyone else has more gold, and they need to spend more and therefore give you more gold.
It is totally unsustainable and unrealistic.

It’s their gold, if they want to use it to get an item, that is their choice. Player agency in action.
The ‘for the friend’ point is irrelevant, gold is gold. They are buying on behalf of someone else. This is NOTHING like the rolling and trading for a friend in MS/OS runs. These ‘for a friend rolls’ are essentially ninjaing.

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Many guilds rise and fall over loot drama, usually via loot council.
Using a loot system that has any kind of subjective decision making leads to drama, it’s unavoidable.

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What are you even talking about?

rmt wasnt enforced properly, so banning gdkp is the obvious best solution, how hard is that to understand?
idc how rich i get if i dont get gear for weeks, im sure goldsellers and people that think like them like you wouldn’t mind but most people don’t care about the fake money in their game as much as you
your player agency argument holds no water because you can say the same for botting… get real, justifying botting in the name of player agency? :joy:

im talking about basic economics, prices fell so botting for gold is less valuable, so your bot is devalued…

A bit of tinfoil but gdkps are obviously just the first step in a series to implement these automated moderation systems. Firing all of CS was the first step. There’s no reason to believe they won’t double down on using the new automated system to target gold sellers when they prove the system works with a relatively abstract hurdle like gdkps

for sure, microsoft loves the chance to feed their LLM all of this player interaction

There is some serious brain rot here. I’m not sure how to respond to this.
are you even trying to discuss this in good faith?

TOS breaking actions should be detected and bans enforced.
non-TOS breaking actions should be protected as player agency.
Removing player agency by making legit activities against TOS because blizzard is too lazy/incompetent/cheap to properly enforce existing TOS is a bad thing for the game.

I don’t RMT or bot, i report people who do, my experience is being downgraded and my agency removed because other people break TOS. It’s not a good thing.

I hope this is simple enough for YOU to understand.

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the obvious solution is and always has been permabans for gold buyers, but blizz finds that unpalatable, so we get this half measure solution.

GDKP would not be a problem if there wasn’t a ton of botted/rmt’d gold being pumped into the system to fuel it.

You fight that injustice King :joy:

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