If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Why would anyone assume that when you’ve been arguing on behalf of your flawless raid team the whole time?

Strangers was never implied, try following the conversation! But, you do have to start somewhere. Why start on the wrong, greedy foot?

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GDKP is a loot system that is almost always used in PUG groups, therefore, strangers.
Try following the conversation!

Because I haven’t been?

That’s patently false, at least on Crusader Strike

Are you genuinely aruging that GDKP as a loot system is more commonly found in guilds rather than PUG groups?
In addition, the OP has at no point mentioned using this in a guild (not that i can find anyway) and has even responding multiple times saying it’s not for a guild.

Why do you keep responding in the context of a guild? It’s really weird.
Reading comprehension issues or responding in bad faith?

and you betray a certain level of ignorance going after ways others prefer to play the game instead of focusing your rage and outcries towards the bots and RMTs instead but rather punished a vast portion of the playerbase that doesnt RMT so you can potentially save a few gold on your next potion in the AH

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We do use gdkp in my guild because I think, as the person that would be in charge of a loot council, that loot council is cringe and nobody can remove bias.

The problems I outline in the OP regarding ms > os are mostly problems in pugs. The loot council problems are for guilds. Most people, myself included, do both. But gdkp is more commonly found in pugs, yes.

Guilds have and always have been the answer to the problems you guys are bemoaning in this thread. I’m not gonna scroll through posts to find the multiple counts of this dude across multiple characters bragging that his guild experiences no loot drama whatsoever and hasn’t since vanilla classic. And yeah must be reading comprehension, read that as most pugs are gdkps not most gdkps are pugs, which is absolutely correct.

See OP about the problems with loot council.

ahh yes, lets punish a vast portion of the playerbase because SOME people are desperate enough to break the TOS. how about you leave the vast portion of the playerbase alone and focus your outrage on getting blizzard to enforce their own TOS?


“not a true loot council”

I agree that guilds are one of the solutions to this issue, unfortunately people like myself cannot join a guild due an unreliable gaming schedule.
So, I am stuck exclusively playing in PUGs, this change is a direct downgrade to my player agency / experience

In addition, as someone who has been a GM/RL/Loot council for a 40man guild during classic, I have never found a more fair and drama free loot system than GDKP.
If you really want the item, you get it. If you don’t want it as much as some other guy, you at least still get some gold. Other systems either give you the item or sadness.

Oh, really. So you have a loot council where all bias is gone and all players agree on all loot? No, you dont.

Yep, just like you have multiple gdkps free of drama since vanilla

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how so? his point is valid

by removing GDKPS a huge portion of non spenders source of income to afford consumes and other goods with limited time to play will result to other means of getting gold IE gold sellers, this is why in classic on a server that didnt have GDKP runs bots were running rampant and the economy was still screwed, because everyone bought raid consumes

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My GDKPs are free from loot drama, yes. What would one have to complain about?

Loot councils on the other hand never agree and always have drama, even if not spoken. You can’t get 40 people to agree on loot. Its not possible bud.

The only GDKP drama is when people heavily underperform / troll and rightfully get their split reduced.

The actual loot distribution is mechanically immune from drama, by design.

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Nah my runs are flawless too. No complaints from anyone.

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Cool, gnight dude. Post some actual content please and I’ll read tomorrow.

GDKPs were very popular in original WoTLK and you can see this fact by spending 10 seconds utilizing the mmo champion search function.

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