If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

More merits than keeping it.


Exactly. Nice try with an attempt at logical fallacy. Why don’t you try applying it to the OP instead of just flailing it around to try to make a point.

The fact that you even mention strawman when the topic is banning GKDP because of RMT is hilarious btw.

Let’s hear it. I’ve laid out my cards. Your turn.

My cards are I just like watching the fights unfold on the forums. You’re doing splendid btw, keep up the fight.

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Thanks for admitting the obvious. If only it was this easy every time.

how about NEED > GREED ?


You’re still not winning though.

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Your credit cards?


GDKP since 2019, never once done RMT in 20 years. Next.

Bro can’t take a joke.

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Not in the mood, thanks for the bump.

He’s in mourning, give him some time.

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Your inability to explain why GDKP’s should be kept is laughable. GDKP further enables botting and causes hyper inflation as well. Whilest this occurs before GDKP, GDKPS did increase the number of botters and the rate of inflation. In fact you keep saying “what if they ban your favrotite way to play” while disregarding the very fact that GDKP’s have a notable impact on the overall game economy. (Thus impacting not your own gameplay but the gameplay for everyone else)

The only defense you have made is entirely antedotal as well, and all the issues with non gdkp’s exist within gdkps as well (you admitted this earlier) So what are you actually attempting to do here? You keep trying to state no one brings any logic, but when they do you gaslight them, claim strawman, shift goalposts ect. If anything you are the illogical one here, it seems like you just lost your easy gold farm


You’re welcome. People need to see how desperate the GDKP crowd is.

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Dude this Gdkphater has been typing for like 6 days now.

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“ah you fool you didnt address points 39c to 41a so your argument is invalid”

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The fact that you can’t even envision the future where you’re treated fairly by the people around you without the threat of profits… It shows me that the social structure at the core of this game has completely eroded around you, to the point that you have nothing to hold onto anymore other than gdkp. I fear too many of your type have crossed that event horizon and I question how viciously you’ll react to this change when it goes live in a week.
I’m not going to do any more thinking for you regarding the merits of banning gdkps, but I will repeat that you still see problems 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10 in pug gdkps where players know there are no consequences other than being called out in trade chat or being added to an ineffectual discord blacklist. Can add a problem 11 to your list too, where the raid leader just runs off with the pot and/or loot. Far cry from the “never happens” that you claim.

There is no problem.

You weren’t meant to get full end game BiS in classic. This aint WOTLK.

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Hey Tolkein, can you format that a bit? It’s very wall of text.

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I made an entire post about it. The OP in this thread in fact. Give it a read.

Strawman, GDKP is not RMT or botting. Nobody is supporting those.

I didn’t admit this and will happily debate any of the 10 point I make above. They don’t happen in GDKP, ever.

Continue playing the game the way I enjoy, free from over-reaching draconian policies that are targeting activity I’m not even participating in.

Great, let’s hear your merits.