If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Not possible in a true GDKP

Not possible in a true GDKP

Doesn’t really happen, they want the cut at the end. If it does we simply offer the cut to a replacement that happily joins because they don’t need gear and want gold.

GDKP is literally the only reason these older raids continue to happen with any regularity. Have you played Era or WoTLK?

Just gonna keep ignoring the racket… (Yes, a literal racket.)

Go look at consumables prices on the PvP cluster in Era.
(Count how many times a GDKP advertisement scrolls up your Trade or Yelling while you look through the AH.)

Then come back here and explain how GDKPs are so good for the game.

(Sneak Preview: it’s cheaper to buy an epic mount without a discount than it is to buy one Flask of Petrification on the Era PvP cluster.)

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I’m gonna explain something that might take some thinking.

GDKP doesnt inflate gold 1 copper. GDKP creates 0 gold. None. Every bit of inflation you are referencing is from the following

  1. Bots farming gold and inflating the gold supply
  2. Players farming gold and inflating the gold supply
  3. There being no meaningful gold sink in the game. It’s all just gold trading hands.

What this means is even without GDKP flasks will become more expensive than epic mounts.

so GDKPs in no way drive up the demand for gold?

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What I said is that GDKP doesn’t inflate gold, botting does. If you want to solve botting, solve botting.

If it is profitable enough for the bots to keep creating new accounts because they are getting payed so much money for gold that is only going to GDKPs they will keep making and stealing accounts to do so


This is false and you’ll see bots continue, particularly as consumables become harder to farm.

I’m admittedly ignoring the rest of your post because this is the funniest of them and the other points weren’t worth responding to.

For BoP Raid gear…which would be extremely tempting for someone with:
The Desire to get the best gear in the game as fast as possible.
A credit card.

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Now it’s “true gdkps” okay whatever man that’s one senseless goalpost too many for me. You can’t possibly take that stance and disregard “true loot council” runs or “true need>greed” runs at the same time. What a ridiculous defense.
Choose to confront this reality with grace, or don’t. I couldn’t care less at this point. You have about a week to set your house right. Good luck, see you in phase 2.


But that is completely false. GDKP encourages players to buy gold from bot owners. Some people are desperate enough to buy gold to get that edge in GDKP runs. That encourages the creation of more bots. It makes the bot problem worse and puts more gold into the economy than there would have been without GDKP runs. That is inflation, honey.

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What do you think will happen to the price of consumes once nobody is saving gold for GDKP? Banning GDKP doesn’t solve the problem, it only removes 1 way of spending the gold that bots are farming.

Yeah, you’re saying that personal bias means you can’t get loot in GDKP? What kind of GDKP is that. It’s not moving the goalpost, you are misrepresenting GDKPs. Gold wins, not personal bias. So that’s not a true GDKP. Next.

Then how do you explain RMT crippling server economies before widespread popularity of GDKPs? Or RMT crippling economies of games that have nothing similar to GDKPs?

It seems like you are purposely being dishonest about that, GDKPs are most definitely the main use of illicit gold with the second being BoE blues consumes third but a tiny fraction in comparison. Yes obviously that will change with the GDKP change but the demand will be massively reduced and the incentive to keep buying accounts to keep bot farming goes down. Hopefully Blizzard has data on that and will share it at at some point

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There is a upper limit on how many consumes you actually need for a raid alternatively there is no upper limit on how much you can bid on an item. These things are not the same.


That’s not how cause and effect work. Get rid of bots and gold buying and selling and the problem goes away. GDKP does not cause inflation, but it does have a host of problems I’m happy to admit. But it’s still a lot better than rolling or loot council for the reasons mention in the OP, if you care to look.

Yeah you are right - the relationship between bots, RMT, and inflation is a lot more complex than many players assume.

For example, bot activity will often reduce the price of certain consumable (such a mana / healing potions) while simultaneously pumping raw gold into the economy causing inflation on other items.

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Have you ever considered the lifecycle of gold? GDKPs are just moving gold around. They don’t add or subtract any to the equation. You can make the argument that GDKPs give reason to bring more bots online, because there is a greater demand for gold, and I’ll grant you that. But GDKP isn’t the problem. And without GDKP bots will farm gold, people will buy gold, and most importantly, the gold already farmed doesn’t go away. Things will get more expensive regardless of GDKP. Maybe at a reduced rate, but banning GDKP is not the solution to the problem. It is a strawman argument to make and you all know it.

Also consider that bots cost next to nothing to operate. Regardless of the price of gold, bot farms keep farming.

It took you this long to write that? Wtf, I was expecting War and Peace or something like that.

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Even more so, GDKPs allow for players that are good raiders to continue raiding without having to farm for hours each week (which is required to purchase the consumes needed to raid or pvp at top levels).

Thus, without GDKPs they are focused to either spend ton of time farming, perform at a lower level, quit, or buy gold.

So removing GDKPs actually also increases the incentive for a decent chunk of the community to now buy gold.