If you're a class that has a dispel in the class tree

This 100%…

Then these subpar players have no excuse except their own incompetence

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and feign death isnt a dispell. Tranq cant be cast on ourselves too. Hope that helps you in using english.


Agreed! I ran with a mage last night screaming at the screaming at the healer the whole time. I said just remove curse on you. They said, “I can’t waste a talent”. Sorry, not sorry

Im just playing devils advocate. As a melee im usually number 1 in terms of utility (interrupts / dispels / CC)

Precisely! With the amount of unavoidable damage in these dungeons, i mitigate more damage, and thus help the healer more by taking that talent :slight_smile:

It gets rid of debuffs…

Why are you obsessed with how people use English??


our interupt has 24 sec cd, and usually npcs has shorter cd casts and sometimes other players interupt the same time I use my interupt.

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dude, please calm down.

So you’re just arguing to argue…

We both know doing affix mechs are I more important than unavoidable aoe.

Dude, please learn your class and stop griefing people on grammar. No one cares that you’re trilingual


Unavoidable spike damage doesn’t occur more than once every 12 seconds, lol. You’re not helping mitigate anything extra that isn’t already part of your base kit.

But fair enough, keep chugging away for KSM I guess.

Feign death and turtle remove the debuff FYi. I also play a hunter.


Yall could argue, or invite a shaman :grin:

Emergency Salves isnt a dispell, it just remove diseases and poison. hope that helps.

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He’s just arguing in bad faith, he said it himself


pls calm down why are you using ad hominem :frowning:

This will keep me up at night now.

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Again, anything that dispells any debuff works on this, not just magic…

Ironic, for someone so proud of speaking three languages your reading comprehension sucks


it’s not a dispell. If it is a dispell it would have worded as so. Hope that helps.

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You’re literally calling out people for English



sure buddy