If you want #NoChanges means you want Retail. If you want #SomeChanges means you want Classic to succeed

That’s irrelevant. That is the action of players and not a game design choice by Blizzard. The game is not P2W, based on a P2W model, or being pushed towards a P2W model.

I’m not saying you can’t complain about the game but at least be reasonable. WoW is not P2W.

What game does this? give me an example?
This is the oddest complaint about a normal progression system I have seen in a long time. This is legit what is happening in wrath right now, just as it did in OG wrath. there are maybe like two or three pieces that stay worthwhile from start to finish.

Yes it is. The fact that it’s not as coercive as asian MMOs doesn’t change that fact that the sale of gold and levels is an instant power boost for anybody with a credit card.

It’s not.
You still need drops and to not be outbid.
There is no guarantee that by buying gold you will INSTANTLY be BiS geared.

GW2. You can use the same gear from the base game all the way through the latest expansion. You can quit the game for 3 years, come back, and you’ll still be as powerful as you were before so you can jump right into the current content without paying for a level boost.

GW is a massively different game than WoW in design and was the one and only game I thought of. Can you name any others or just the one outlier?

and it seems that this design isn’t as rigid or recommended to do as you are suggesting. There are still tiers of gear of varying strengths and values, there is still gear swapping as you get better gear.

In vanilla, Naxx gear was relevant for at least half of TBC when it came out.

P2W doesn’t require BIS gear to be P2W, and you can never be outbid if you just throw more money at the problem. And you can BUY the carries for BIS drops.

Til you hit 70 maybe, not for long after. The stat increases in just HFP alone speak to this.

But each expac the end raid tier was good for leveling at least to cap. This isn’t the gotcha you thought.

So paying money doesn’t instantly get you gear as you claim.
Player decisions and loot systems are not the fault of the game, GDKP is not built in and there is no player power for purchase. Just say you dislike GDKP and RMT and don’t paint the game incorrectly as P2W.

In fairness, a couple of Naxx items would survive Karazhan. That’s more a testament to the itemization and availability of Karazhan gear than it is the Naxx items though, but you know.

Yes, and those are outliers.

The better example are things like lionheart helm, MCP, and wolfshead helm.

It’s just odd to me that a complaint someone has is that they have to progress their character into new content and new gear.

Buying ingame money for real world money is defacto P2W. No other caveats are required.


I believe that you believe this. Gonna save us a circular argument and call it here. You are disconnected by your own views.

Dealing entirely in black and white absolutes must be exhausting.

When it comes to greedy corporate BS that actively hurts the product and the experience, there is no nuance.


Cool, I’ve never seen them. Would you mind giving me a recommendation?

My first post is literally a statement about how you guys never explained it to begin with, just dismiss any discussion before it can begin

Dragonflight’s story is no more linear than Wrath’s, it just has a tracker for each story chapter. No quest zone is locked by anything other than your level, just like Wrath

In fact, when you reach Dragonflight on alts the zones aren’t even locked by level anymore, making it even more open-ended than Wrath. And that’s not to mention the fact that, before Dragonflight, you can literally choose any expansion you want to level in, with the only restriction being your very first character stuck in BfA

So…exactly what the game has been since the beginning? Item level has increased with each patch since Vanilla. Sure it may not have been as drastic back then, but it was still there. Gear scaling is meant to give the player a sense of progression as the content releases, what’s the point of even having new gear to shoot for if it’s the exact same thing you’re already wearing?

Sounds like you’re confusing Warcraft with Conan or something. Warcraft has always been goofy and cartoonish since the very beginning

Ultima online and Star Wars Galaxies also had far less power creep. EVE Online I would argue also has no such thing as “the best thing”.

No. It hasn’t. Go to Google image search and type “warcraft 2 metzen artwork”

Forum doesn’t allow links. Youtube “Madseasonshow quitting wow” for one example.

Yes it has

If this is your line of logic, then the same thing applies to Dragonflight artwork

They still had gear progression systems involving the thing you are claiming is bad design. They still had gear progression systems. There was still “the better thing”.

Entirely different game. Also there are clear “better things” to upgrade to in Eve, just because each ship/etc has a role it fills doesn’t mean some are flat better to spend production time on.

I try and avoid being directly rude but you are flat just off base and crediting player behavior to deliberate game design. You are actually not understanding anything and would rather be indignant and mad just to be that way.
P2W is not part of the game design for WoW, it legit cannot be attributed to them as corporate greed.

You can have gear progression, but it can’t be every new content drop being BIS every time. If has been way too fast for way too long. The fact that they had to do 2 (or was it 3) crunches already is proof of this.

Selling gold for money is an active developer choice. Stop riding their reproductive organs.