If you want #NoChanges means you want Retail. If you want #SomeChanges means you want Classic to succeed

…several expansions apart and for the sake of scaling not going insane as players leveled up.
Gear progression of some kind is inherent to MMO gaming. Could it be slower in some cases? probably but railing against it as some bad design concept is still very strange.

Sure thing, missed where the WoW devs ran RMT sites. The WoW token is laughable and used almost entirely to pay sub fees by players. The gold it gives in Classic is nowhere near sufficient to do anything GDKP related and the token in retail is largely ignorable as you don’t need to buy gold to progress. at all.

Cool. Very mature. Touch grass. You could use so many other better and realistic examples of a business’ making money but you chose this one instead.

You mean like the Dragonisle’s loading screen which is literally femboys and girl bosses? I admit I like the Alex and Ysera are good looking in that one, but all the depression and hurt feelings in the story can gtfo.

“Me big strong man like sexy ladies and hate feelings!”

Don’t worry, you’ll grow out of that phase after middle school. Everyone has those embarrassing memories that make them cringe just to think about


You overexaggerate the “railing against bad design” portion. It’s a necessary part of the game, but the speed and frequency of invalidating old gear has been too high since Wrath, I would argue. Quite frankly, it should take an entire expansion to accumulate every BIS item for your character, not just the current content patch, if ever.

Just because RMT sites do it against the TOS, it’s suddenly OK for Blizzard to do it? Hypocrisy much?

And you have absolutely no basis or proof to claim the second half of your statement.

I do. All the time when I’m not wasting time on retail WoW.

What? Ultima Online literally had you sit and farm artifact items that you had to insure to be kinda viable in pvp.

I’d bet money I’m older than you…

Maybe if Dragonflight had more players you’d have a point… but whatever this is isn’t what made WarCraft popular. And surprisingly literally nobody, power fantasy sells. Talking about depression does not.

Yes. It’s their game. I don’t see why this is surprising. The token is for game time and for the potential to (sadly so far seemingly unsuccessful) stop people buying illicit gold. Obviously you will view this as hypocritical and not rationally.

You do not need to buy gold to progress your character. This is a fact.

Ignoring deeper themes doesn’t make them go away.
Several games dealing with depression have sold very well and are popular.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt on that experiment the first time they tried it “as a means of reducing illicit gold buying”. It’s a massive failure at its stated purpose, yet they won’t remove it because it gets them a cut of the gold selling profit… A rational person sees that as hypocrisy.

And those games are not WarCraft.

Completely irrelevant.

You do not posses the ability to determine rational thought.

This is not hypocrisy, it is at worst a failed product idea.

LMAO, not when it’s your entire argument dude, come on.

Yeah, I should’ve stopped feeding you when I meant to. Won’t make that mistake again.

I don’t actually care if you are. If anything it would just make your big macho man attitude even more embarrassing

Lord of the Rings, the very emotionally-charged story of one of the least suspecting races in the world subverting that power fantasy you so praise and destroying the ultimate evil, is arguably the greatest fantasy series of all time

I don’t disagree with you that Dragonflight’s story sucks, don’t get me wrong on that front. It’s your claim that the reason it sucks is because it has “ewwww emotions!” that’s frankly asinine


And tells everyone that he’s never played Warcraft before WoW where he’s skipped every single quest text ever.

There’s tons of emotions in the Warcraft lore.

It’s pretty easy to guess why he is the way he is in 2023 sadly.


No. You don’t seem to know the meaning of the word rational.

Rational - To make a decision based on a ratio of variables. In this case the ratio of good results for the game and for players from selling the token, compared to bad results for the game and players from selling.

There are no good results from selling the token. The token facilities all of the same bad things illicit gold selling does.

The only benefit to anybody is the money made by the company for selling it despite the fact that selling gold is bad for the game. Hypocrisy.

Quite literally begone from me.

I don’t know why you bring up non-WarCraft examples. WarCraft is not that kind of fantasy. If I wanted Lord of the Rings I would go to Lord of the Rings.

The post Siege of Org cinematic is WarCraft. WarCraft is more in line with old westerns than LOTR.

Eyeroll. Played every WC there ever was, all the way back to when they ripped off Warhammer. Whatever emotions there were were in service of the conflict between Orcs/Humans, Horde/Alliance, and later the Scourge… not just whining to hear themselves talk.

Their entire premise is flawed. Saying #nochanges leads to Retail. No it doesn’t. It doesn’t lead anywhere. It just means you get an authentic version of the game from the past.

In 20 years if there’s a Dragonflight Classic, it should resemble Dragonflight. We have no idea what Retail will look like in 20 years, but it sure as Hell won’t look like Dragonflight. Maybe in two decades people will be looking back at that expansion with fondness saying ‘The game was so great back then!’


Hell, from this very expansion , in both Classic and Retail any character I play that enters Northrend will at some point do the Wrathgate questline 100% of the time, just for that cutscene. It’s so horribly crusty by today’s standards and yet I still consider it one of the best cinematics in the game’s entire lifespan just because of the emotional impact it has

Saurfang’s “Rise up, sons of the Horde! Blood and glory await us!” was probably the single moment that convinced me to make my first Horde alt

Even if this was true (it’s not) how does that invalidate the fact that… Warcraft Lore has tons of emotions?

You just hate this one specifically cause it’s the one your echo chambers tell you to hate.

Exactly. In service of the conflict. Blood and glory, or honor if that’s your flavor. To borrow a phrase from WarCraft’s original inspiration… WWWAAAAAGGHHHHHH!!!