If you think wow is P2W

they do still support boosting

We used to call boosting power gaming back in the day and its not a new thing

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Boosting is indeed supported, they just will not return lost gold if it falls through. It’s similar to a trade scam where they too will not return lost gold. It’s a “buyer beware” sort of thing but since it is a trade, as long as it is done with gold, it is protected in the sense that if scammed, those individuals can be reported.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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cool, sounds unsupported to me

Muting this thread, not interested in changing opinions that don’t matter.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I understand, I would run away after being made to look foolish if I was you too!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Ope, I lied, you replied before I bothered clicking away.

Your stupid forum gimmick does enough to make you look a fool without any external help :slight_smile:

How does one win this game btw?

There is no finish line.


I hate many SL trinkets and would not buy them if they were put in the shop. IQD, I don’t like that you have to meet certain conditions to proc stats. Titanic Ocular Gland should never decrease your stats. So’leah’s secret technique is annoying and should be passive. Mistcaller Ocarina is annoying and should be passive. Bottled Flayedwing Toxin is annoying and should be passive.

The only one I would consider buying is Phial of Putrefaction and I wouldn’t pay more than a dollar.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I’m not sure what you mean, this is just how I type! At least I didn’t post false information and pretend to be smart only to run away in shame!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


There’s an interesting video explaining how games, mmos included, can be pay to win. It’s from Josh Strife Hayes and I will always recommend people check it out. He even covers your very question too

Blizzard has never intervened in trades unless cheating was somehow involved. Anything not on the AH is a buyer beware situation

Idk. If you can pay real money to get an advantage over those that don’t pay real money (even if that is in the form of purchasing services from other players), I feel like that’s pretty close to p2w.

Agreed. :+1:

I believe I’ve seen the video you’re talking about, and he makes a lot of great points. I’ve linked some of his stuff in the past from his clips channel.

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Yes, I can see how it can seem close to P2W but there are important details. I do agree that if Blizz every offers increased player power directly from the store, then it is time to leave.

My opinion on the current state of affairs is that none of those things can be purchased directly through the Blizzard shop and are, in fact, a “trade” between players that Blizzard does neither referees nor protects the buyer. I believe it is no more pay to win than buying upgraded items from a player making use of their profession such as blacksmithing or alchemy.

What I see is that these are essentially vanity purchases from other players as they are looking for titles, mounts and other perks. The resulting gearing isn’t going to magically give the purchasers skills they “buy” passed learning by using carries.

I am curious as to how and/or why you feel these carries are directly affecting your personal game play and enjoyment of the game?

Thank you.

Which is the only part that is ACTUALLY pay to win.

Everything else is buying a service from another player to play the game for you.

Buying gear and achievements from the shop WOULD be P2W because it was put there by the company.

That’s the distinct difference.


Let’s see mythic boe’s on ah, top tier Lego mats, Carrie’s… that’s all pay to win and wow gets 25% cut on top of your $15 sub… shills will be shills


they dont. i dont have a problem with p2w unless its in a pvp scenario.

I could care less if people could advance further than myself because they spend money on the game.

i wasnt trying to comment on whether this stuff should be in the game or how i feel about it.

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Tell me did you automatically win any official competition with those things?
Because winning is the outcome of a contest or competition.

And before you fall back on achievements, let me tell you in advance, there is no achievement competition in WoW.

The only competition there is are those:

  • World first raid kill
  • Mythic + highest key/ invitational
  • PVP top rating position/ esport

Can any amount of RM buy you a win in any of those?

I used to think WoW wasn’t as bad as it is when it comes to P2W, but the professions humbled me hard and showed how badly it is right now. If you want to level any of the crafting professions to make a profit, you need to essentially dump half a million gold into the profession just to be able to make a single rank 4 item, let alone all the other ones that you also have to grind out that may not be nearly as profitable. All these systems honestly come off as them pushing tokens over actual practical play. Given you had to be grinding from day one to even be on par to be able to make rank 6 items regularly, and even then you have to spend so much gold to make a pitiful return per craft. I was attempting to rank up my JC, but I simply cannot bring myself to do it anymore. It was bad enough having to mine 10’s of thousands of ore, just for the essences alone, which is just a astoundingly horrible waste of materials. Essence drops should be much more common honestly, yet I mined and prospected so much ore and so far only got 40 rebirth essences. When I need 750 to max out to rank four, which doesn’t include all the ore required for the shadowghast ingots, and the enchanted ingots required for the blacksmithing items.

WoW right now is seriously pay to win, and blizzard seems to be pious in their belief that people will put up with this for another expansion. Which simply isn’t the case, like I have several leegos I have to upgrade come 9.2, and its going to be a long, expensive process I am not looking forward to at all due to this system.