If you think wow is P2W

Mhmm carries a service that isn’t supported. That’s not what pay to win is. If that is counted as pay to win then essentially every game is pay to win.


Like most topics that suddenly get a massive amount of spam saying nothing of value, this happened because a streamer made a video about it.

Boosting is an unsupported transaction. Blizzard will not give you your money back if you someone scams you.


Blizz is pretty genius if you think about it. You have the p2w monetization scheme via tokens without the direct p2w sales to look clean.
Whales who spend on tokens actually spend thousands of dollars.


Did you read the changes? Local server based services are absolutely allowed, only communities are not allowed.

Being able to buy ingame currency with cash has always been classified as pay to win since I’ve been playing MMORPGS starting in '98.

Boosting is allowed, plain and simple and you can use gold from the cash shop to buy boosts.

Very simple to understand.

Pay real money = Token
Token = Gold
Gold = Carries
Gold = legendary
Gold = Buying stuff in AH for Items
Gold = much much more

Can you use Gold to increase your character power = YES

Tokens are definitely pay to win not hard to understand.


And you’ve been able to buy in game currency for money since at least 2005. What’s your point?

It was never sponsored by Blizzard. People who bought it from third party sellers were definitely paying to win, but now Blizzard fully supports it.

Yeah sure whatever, just pointing your lie.

and these ones also

You forgot the ERP on Moonguard lol

What is ERP again ?

takes my totem and…

look it up lol

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. It’s a lie to claim Blizzard supports buying gold now? Might want to tell them that, someone has been selling a token in the store to get gold for a while now!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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They’ve made open statements indicating that purchasing a run from a guild is still within the spirit of the game. Unless you two are talking about something different.


i gave my friend $1 to get me through a tough level in Super Mario Brothers. this proves that game is p2w


or your friend is very cheap, should have ask for 2.50

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If someone is going to spend thousands on gold or boosts and what ever then I severely doubt much of anything willl stop someone that committed.

How does Blizzard not fully support buying gold? They literally sell gold in the shop.

Sorry, thought you were still talking about them supporting boosting.

This is 100th thread on this topic in the last 24 hours so it gets minimal attention.

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