Not to sell my account when I’m 14?
Yeah. Clearly you’re not learning then.
That was a joke. I apologize
They know they won’t. People will get over it and will still play it and ultimately will be a smoother launch, which is what Blizzard really cares about, not your feelings.
You’re right!
If Blizz prevents a smooth launch with hundreds of people camping the same spawns, they’re going to fail miserably!
It is what it is. Sharding will make the launch a heck of a lot smoother and if you find someone you like group with them and you won’t lose them, then once you get out of the starting zones it won’t matter.
It is necessary for the long term health of the servers so we don’t end up with more than half dead servers. It’s not retail/live , we’re not going to get 100s of servers (IIRC there were about 100 at launch in 2004), we need to make sure as many as possible stay healthy. There’s no reason not to correct this past mistake.
And even now, nothing is confirmed so you may still yet get your wish.
people saying they wont play if there sharding are full of it anyway, they will still play unless they like playing on the dodgy poorly scripted private severs with most of the population gone since they will be playing classic. This is not a new game so they wont put to many resources towards it so sharding will be a thing and i would guess depending on what population the game gets will depend on how much they shard the server as no one want to not be able to log in due to a massive Que and no one wants dead server after the first few weeks after all the kids realize there is no free ride to lvl up with.
What?, no. Haven’t you heard the #nochanges community, they have a guy inside blizz headquarters that have told them that blizz intend to use sharding for everything.
I meant that it will be most welcome in populated servers with Twitch streamers etc.
Wouldn’t that also apply to your own comment?
I have 25+ Individual threads from Classic and General forums that say otherwise - that NO SHARDING is the majority view. I’ve added his because his opinion is VERY important to us OPs who have created anti-sharding threads:
You’re armour is extra shiny today m’whiteknight
I’d rather queue ten minutes than sharding
The million dollar question is which is worse, sharding or sharting. You have to choose one.
Isn’t the whole point to play classic now you are just playing world of waitcraft I mean I understand the #nochanges but in order for the gane to be playable sharing will definitely help on launch. And on servers with streamers sharping will be a blessing.
Yea you’re too narrow minded for your own good. I’ve been playing since November 2004 kid. Not that it’s anything. Vanilla was fun and I’ve been around a while. Keep going with your small minded comments though.
I’m not sure how unpopular my opinion is, but I would support sharding for the 1-10 zones for the first 4 - 6 weeks of the servers. I have done too many private server launches (F R E S H) that have been unbelievably painful because 1450 undead are trying to kill 8 Mindless Zombies. You can literally take 5 hours to get out of the Valley of Trials. It’s not fun. Some classes are terrible at “tagging” at that level too.
If the sharding is everywhere and permanent that will be absolutely terrible for the prospects of WoW Classic. But if the sharding is for low-level zones and only for the first month or so (a blink of an eye really) I don’t see what the harm is…
Oh great, another kid who doesn’t understand server congestion. It’s 10 freaken levels you cry babies, you’ll be able to group with your friends, and the starting zone sharding will be removed after congestion dies down resulting in zero sharding. the starting zones MUST be sharded.
It will be a launch, EVERYONE will be in the same zone. It absolutely MUST be sharded. Imagine EVERYONE going to work at the same exact time on the SAME exact FREEWAY… Imagine 1500-3000 players trying to kill the same exact 10 mobs 8 times each. It’s not fun, i promise. Population needs to be dispersed via sharding and only temporary. Only on the first week will there ever be such densely populated starting zones. It’s ONLY TEMPORARY. Use your brain.
Sorry you don’t understand congestion. Either nobody plays, or all gameplay is horrendously laggy and unplayable and server crashes OR sharding happens and you still see a flustercuck of people and yet get to play smoothly.
TL:DR - Any sharding would only be temporary and only in starting zones, and is practically unavoidable.
I believe Blizzard has said that sharding will only last for a week or something and only for starting zones and probably low leveling zones
But even if sharding was there who cares you can still play classic nothing is different but now you can actually do quests and level,