If you have over 1k+ games this season, you should be investigated for Boosting

There’d be less condescension if they ever had a good attitude and weren’t just blaming addons, the booster boogie man, spec balance, gear disparity or the actual tinfoil stuff like thinking they were in a losers queue for not buying shop mounts.

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I’m in LFG rn and half the ads are from some RMT site, like I said you’re doing no favors by being elitist when boosters are a very real thing keeping a lot of the playerbase from advancing.

What good are addons when someone outgears you and 1 taps you?

assuming this isn’t a troll bait post and you are serious why would i respect someone who goes on their classic level 68 draenei shaman just to cry on the forums about how they are stuck 1100 because of “boosters”?

stuck means you have a 50% win rate, and if you have 50% win rate at that low of an mmr it isn’t because of “boosters”, it’s probably cus you have no hands or something

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Yeah, but that doesn’t really tell you how many buyers they’re getting. I went to setup a few alts with my healer and we’d queue into like 1-2 potential boosts in 100 games or something.

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What will be your pref bait after thee new single PvP sets or soloQ drops

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You don’t even recognize view points unless it’s from a specific account/level/rating, you are bout the most shallow person I met on here lol.

Or maybe it’s because not everyone is on the same skill level? Some of us are still learning the game.

Yeah, and the gear disparity makes that worse, but actual “boosters” aren’t common.


These boosters are literally in LFG right now as we speak taking in customers, the people in low rating are all boosted players and customers and boosters.

There are people in 1200 with 2100 gear carrying fresh characters with 0 rating, stop lying to the people these people NEED to be banned.

but if it’s a skill issue it’s a you issue

don’t say it’s because of boosters?

the point is you aren’t going to queue to the same “booster” for multiple games in a row at that mmr if you are actually that low

stop crying about it

I don’t care how you feel, many people are suffering at the hands of boosters and we have enough proof in LFG alone to show how prevelant it is.

If you have nothing to hide you shouldn’t be scared of a Blizzard investigation :man_shrugging:

The feeling is mutual, /thread.


you are aware 99% of these “rmt boosters” you see in lfg wouldn’t be doing carries at 1100 right? especially towards the end of season?

i guarantee you you haven’t run into a single “rmt booster” and you are there cus of your own skill

post one game where you lost to a booster and i will shut up

They won’t even investigate people who livestream themselves engaging in rmt.

Yeah, you need like a 30% wr for a ton of games to get all the way down to 1100, and then you’d just win 20 in a row and rocket right back up.

I only said that after he dismissed me:

Don’t like a taste of your own medicine eh? Stop being rude to others.

This says more about the state of the Community than anything else, even knowing how open it is people deny it:

op forever in denial

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Yeah, the 1100 thing wasn’t subtle enough.

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I still think SSID should be required, if anything it’ll ban even more boosters along with the 1k+ game investigation.

kid literally made a post 7 days ago about how boosting saved wow

obvious bait just report thread and move on

I wonder what compels these creatures (in-game mob).

Times change, I got beaten by those same boosters and I see how damaging it is and now I want to expose them and see them banned.

I have a list of all my guild members who purchased a boost along with their booster’s ID, who do I send this to?