Boosting saved WoW

People need to realize that all of us don’t just sit at home, unemployed and unaware of how to use our god given time on this planet.

Some of us are actively working, taking care of a family and trying to put food on the table but we also want to find enjoyment in games like WoW and in MMOs it’s very hard to catch up to people when you aren’t willing to spend all that time.

WoW Tokens + Gold Boosting is the perfect solution because it allows those us without time to catch up to those who have all the time in the world.

This idea that Boosting = Bad is very juvenile and you can tell it’s coming from a place of immaturity.

Boosting should be encouraged and if anything if boosting didn’t exist it would’ve been the death of WoW because let’s be real, not everyone is going to have the time or energy to grind all the new zones and gear.

It’s MY money and if I choose to spend it on gear/power then I should have the right to do that regardless of what any of you think.




Nope. My first punishment on these new forums was for saying I was l flagging all high elf threads as spam.


He’s probably googling how to flag a post.
Poor little snowflake, out in the sun.


I was called “moron”, that’s a threat to my intelligence when I clearly do not deserve to be said those things to as I have done nothing wrong.




In your defense they were rather obnoxious at one point.


I think people need to realize that WoW IS p2w. Undeniably p2w. There’s not even an argument that can be made otherwise, unless you want to dislocate every bone in your body and reach for the argument that technically Blizz is just selling people gold and it’s players who are offering the service.


…you aren’t helping your case by clearly not knowing the definition of the word “threat”, compared to the definition of the word “insult”.


Boosting in and of itself isn’t bad. However, arguing that it’s your money and that you should be able to spend it however you want is so unbelievably stupid, that I find it ironic you would call anyone else juvenile. Do you not realize how enabling people to purchase the highest-level gear with real money leads to the game turning into a P2W scenario, Mr. Adult?


Right? In 2018 velves were still blue so those threads were every day, 10x a day.

Everything is P2W in this world, what do me spending my money on gear have to do with YOUR gameplay?

People need to mind their own business.

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i dont see the point in boosting. i pay to play this game and not feel cheap buy getting things i do not earn.


wow is a society, power aquisition affects us all. we live in a society


I’d like you to tell a millionaire suffering from an incurable disease that everything in this world is P2W. Really, who’s being juvenile now?
And as for the effect that boosting has, it’s as I’ve explained. You’re paying real money to buy an advantage over other players.


Yeah sorry dude but I’m one of those disjointed people.

I think pay-to-win is the company selling the best gear on their store. If I have to do all my own work to find a third party to carry me, I can’t put that activity under that category. Especially since if I get scammed, Blizzard will not help me get my gold back.


I don’t feel cheap at all buying my gear and achievements, I find it odd that people place any type of emotional value on this type of stuff.

So tell me again how me buying 2100 boost affects you or society?

This is false, those players can earn the same advantage by working hard and grinding it out. I just don’t have the time, who cares if I reach the destination faster when i’m sure you can tell yourself “The journey matters” and cope with it. You’ll reach the end eventually.


Yep, it’s Sunday in spades.

Do ALL y’all have hangovers from last night’s cheap beer, or something?

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You’re contradicting yourself there. Players can earn that gear by working hard and grinding it out, whereas you just pay 50 dollars or whatever you idiots pay nowadays and get it just like that.
What do we call it if someone can just buy the things that others have to work hard for? That’s right, an unfair advantage.