If you have over 1k+ games this season, you should be investigated for Boosting

I am going to disagree with you on this. I see this thread or threads like this a lot and it got me thinking. Last season was our first season we made it to 1558 I think. This season I just felt like a wet noodle and so did hubby. So I switched up to hpally. Now taking time to get a good flow going yatta yatta learning curve thats fine. However we are stuck at the low 1400 and I can tell. We either have a great battle win or lose or we get smoked in seconds.

Great what does that have to do with this? Well a 1900 ranked hunter lol. So I decided to ss each one we thought was a carry, be it buddy or gold I dont care each to their own game. But in a two hour span of arenas and 9 were what I would call carries, or I guess its boosting, out of 20 games So almost 50% of my games are against people who really do out skill/gear me.

Do I believe in banning people for selling a skill they worked to get… No. lol Good for them if they can make enough gold in game to purchase sub time. Or what ever they do with the gold. On the other hand I am not overly found of the people who aren’t willing to learn the skills. But hey its their game.

So, In short. Yes this is a problem and yes its hard to get past when your on a roll and hit a bunch of carries in a row. Hopefully it will be more skill based then gear based in SL. ((We almost had the hunter XD))

Mail them to Holinka, the CEO of Arena.


Ty for this post, hopefully this enlightens people on this forum that Boosting is a very real issue.

1000 games is nothing dude.

I wouldn’t call it an issue. Annoying but not an issue. I mean the bottom line is if the person they are carrying sucks then its a 2v1 and well the 1900 mm hunter… lol but even with the carries we didn’t loose. I never said we lost all 9 of them. if you cant 2v1 someone then… it really is skills unless its a mm…Hey everyone has that one class that they just :frowning: when they see. MM is mine.

The vast majority of “boosters” you encounter are people trying to help their friends gear an alt tbh, and even if you’re fighting real rmt boosters just go kill the boostee he’s probably awful

:fearful: uh oh


I have almost 1100 2s games playered atm.

Bye hacker booster


You have nothing to worry about if you get investigated if you have nothing to hide :man_shrugging:

Lol I know, but my current ratings put me at God status.

well thats stupid. i have thousands of games on all my toons.

some of us just like to arena buddy.

If you have nothing to hide, you’ll be fine.

buddy, let me tell you something. you dont get to make the calls around here alright?

That’s kind of a threat tbh.

playing 1k games in a season doesn’t mean your boosting your just playing the game my guy. Some people actually just want to que it up regardless of the rating.

I’m tired of playing against rank 1s at 2400 but now that I made it past the hump of the LFG grind, I realize that this made me better.

This has to be a joke.

What was your first clue? The hardstuck 1100, the buying SkillCap guides, or the gear complaint?

Skillcap guides

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It seems too on the nose but there are a lot of people like this.