If you have over 1k+ games this season, you should be investigated for Boosting

I am sick and tired of queuing into boosters every time I play on Retail, I am stuck around 1100 and i’ve even bought the SkillCap guides but it’s impossible to learn the game when people better then me with gear they don’t deserve are just running around in lower brackets just killing people before they can react.

We need to take a hardline, no nonsense stance on Boosting and I think the only way to do that is to identify the boosters by taking the people with 1,000 or more games in a season and conducting a formal investigation on their account.

If you have over 1,000 games played in any given season AND there’s a pattern of you playing with people who have never hit high rating despite you being 2.1k+, then you deserve to be permentantly banned and removed off the Blizzard platform along with your customer.

I am SICK and TIRED of losing to Boosters, this needs to stop.

You like to whine, don’t you?


1000 games over the course of a 20 week season is roughly…7 per day?

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This is bait


me too king


Those who are legit will be fine, there is nothing wrong with Blizzard conducting an investigation if you have nothing to hide. This is just for the bad actors within the Community.

Buddy the most popular streamers smash people at 1500 mmr all day. If Blizzard wants to send a message they’ll do something to them, which they won’t, so this whole thing is just pointless.

Oh, I didn’t see that this was an unironic bait thread.

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Like I said, if you have 1k+ games and you are LEGIT even as a Streamer who they can verify as having an active Twitch channel with VoDs to back up their analysis of your games then you’re fine.

This is meant for the Boosters to get exposed and removed from our Community.

must be bait

how can you be stuck at 1100 that’s humanly impossible

also close to impossible for “boosters” to consistently stay at 1100 mmr

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Not everyone can dedicate 8+ hours a day to the game bud, some of us are older and can’t really keep up with everyone.

Stop being rude.

I’ve been called a booster and told to “enjoy the ban” by people with 15 item levels on me that I killed in the opener. My theory is that they see the participation dragon and freak.

Hm? The game is super relaxed in terms of time requirements now.


that sounds like a you problem? why would blizzard ban people because you aren’t good at the game?

and what you are saying makes literally no sense

how can you possibly play against “boosters” at 1100 do you even know how mmr works?

1100 is actually decent, that’s why it awards pieces of the elite set

not everyone has unlimited eye drops on deck so they can spam arena for 48 hours without blinking

Because this game has too many boosters, LFG is STILL filled with random RMT spam and I see people daily bragging about boosts they bought in my guild Discord.

I can provide names of my guildies and their boosters too if it means we can see justice in this Community, I am sick and tired of loosing to people who are playing the game for illegal reasons.


I’m here for u king

lmk when u have 5 minutes to q this week (i’m very busy but maybe we can get a game or 2 in) and snag 1200 before s4 starts

Only if it’s for real money, although it is funny to poke people who paid gold or anything else.

you have no idea how “boosting” works lmao

if they were actually boosting creatures at that mmr they would be out of that mmr in like 2 games how would you constantly queue into these people being stuck at 1100

easy solution to all this crap is already known believe it or not 2 of the most biggest games of all time (LoL Valo (both from rito)) use it and is called RATED soloQ, that way you will always queue to people with your same skill level and gear, those will be fair matches and extremely fun, and blizz knows it, that is why DF will have RATED SOLOQ but for now just unsub and wait we are still one season away from that, beacuse they are just gona use it as a sell point even when they can implemented right now

I love how you dehumanize people who are in 1100 by calling us “Creatures”, idk what’s worse the RMT boosters or your elitism.