If you hate Vulpera...could be worse, could have lalafell

Also Tera I tend to avoid people who play those characters.

i have over 400 hours in ff14 :confused:

^^^ Elins are creepy.

Final fantasy always had that cutesy side though, moogles/chocobos etc.

If you’re playing that MMO, this isn’t anything new or crazy to deal with.

In WoW they’re just dumb.

says the little furry guy. right.

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it’s completely two different game styles so it’s silly that people would even try to compare these mmos lol

Also I stand what I said earlier
anything midget form is creepy and weird :((

ps. idk why the “author” is taking down my comment it was just a dumb joke xD I really don’t care at all whether you want to be a midget furry or a midget adult child thing with facial hair shivers

Tarutaru > Lalafell

They remind me of Precious Moments figurines. Sociopathic Precious Moments figurines.

I lke vulperas and lalafel!

at least lalafells aren’t furry animals. They’re potatoes. I’ll take potato people any day over fox people

At least lalafells are not gnomes or junkgnomes.

I have found the most Evil looking specimens of Gnomes and Lalafell that I could find during my 5 minute afternoon break. I give them to you, GD, for your judgement of which is more evil.

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I"m not taking down anything. Get over yourself. lol

And we will just take you. You cannot stop us. We are coming for you.

atleast its not another elf

Both are super cute.

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But most Lalafell are actually genuinely well thought out characters; usually cutthroats who would put their own mothers in the grave for an extra bit of coin. They lead mafias and nations.

They’re at least cooler than all the short-races in WoW.

geeze its like a mix between a goblin and a gnome

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Incredibly Stoic and Heroic nod


They steal ya’ socks, but only the left ones. What’s up wit’ that?

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