If you hate Vulpera...could be worse, could have lalafell

Yep and their designs and looks just helps sell it.

Tbh all races in FF14 suck. Thereā€™s regular humans, tall humans, tiny humans, big bulky humans, humans with pointy ears, humans with cat ears, humans with bunny ears and humans with ugly scales and horns.

If you think WoW has a sameface problem, I got some news for you.


As much as I love FF14 yeah they lack a colorful pallet with their races compared to WOW Iā€™ll give them customization but by the end of the day most of the time your characters is decked head to toe in a set that covers everything including the face.


Honestly this was one of the reasons I couldnā€™t get into it. Everyoneā€™sā€¦ pretty?
I need to play a horrible gremlin who people would recoil away from, and then do good things. My ideal RP scenario is Quasimodo as an adventurer.
Give me ugly!


Iā€™ll /sit them double tap. Iā€™m not scared


I keep forgetting what their race is called so I call them falafels

I wouldnā€™t play one but I do like the princess one that sometimes commands while sitting on her bodyguards arm. Sheā€™s a good character


there is like 10 of you left on the horde. The rest are elves and foxes

I could always go Alliance if I need my fix.


Its funny that most are saying just how evil Lalafell are. They are. God I HATED Nanomoā€™s original voice actor so much! Lalafel are creepy. Miqoā€™te are the belves of FF though, esp the women. Hot.

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Lalafell have toddler proportions unlike Gnomes who are more balanced, even the Lala walk cycle is little wobbly baby steps. Gnomes are pretty normal comparatively.

I may just be biased though because everytime I ran into a Lala player they were pretty much the worst skill wise or personality wise, sometimes both.

WoW doesnā€™t have any of the races genderlocked too, which is a plus~

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Could of been WAY worse, could of been that child like race from tera :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

You must not have played on Excalibur.

EQ2 has the ratonga.

Rat people.

gnomes at least arenā€™t loli

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Could be one of those Asian MMOs with an obligatory loli ninja race.

if you could stop looking at fantasy races in a sexual manner for just a second you wouldnā€™t care.

Thereā€™s BDO for that.

I sort of played WH and WH40k pre MMO, along with Bloodbowl. I had a Skaven Bloodbowl team which had armour painted like it was dried blood.

I quite like them.

And finally, every time Iā€™ve though of playing GW2, the presense of Asura put me off.

They look like Elf Gnomes.

I hate them.

I donā€™t I find the design of lafs kind of gross tbh. You obviously havenā€™t played ff14 there are a lot running around in skinpy stuff itā€™s gross

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