If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

262 is below heroic raid gear 0/2 good try

Normal raiding probably ur endgame

Gee, isnā€™t that what they were saying about naysayers when the concept of covenants was released, that it was going to be absolutely fantastic being locked to a covenant for the entire expansion, because that would feel incredibly meaningful, and all covenant abilities would be perfectly balanced, and nobody would ever be rejected from any group because of the choices they made?

But they wanted to put players through this because they see their goal in game design is to implement pointless restrictions that players will have no choice but to work within and live with. So it was designed as a system that couldnā€™t be undone, though Ion lied and said there was a ā€œripcordā€ that could be pulled later.

And surprise, surprise! Everything naysayers were saying came true. Systems couldnā€™t be rolled back and players ended up with a long series of bandaid fixes, some of which were as bad as what they were fixing.

They burned up all the goodwill they had long ago. Anybody who is not remotely skeptical at this point, given their history of disinformation and how little we actually know, should be careful not to be so open minded that their brains fall out.

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Fair point, canā€™t argue with law!

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Nah I wasnā€™t assuming there would be. I was stating that we shouldnā€™t assume there wonā€™t be one but again we donā€™t know all the facts yet.

When they reveal the whole system if they have a passenger option then great, if they donā€™t then obviously that needs to be changed and Iā€™ll be making threads along with Thallia asking for it to be added.

Ritaā€™s point is that the OP said this:

Which is basically telling us to shut up in a way that wonā€™t get them vacationed.

Therein lies the issue.

Itā€™s fine for people to disagree. Itā€™s not okay for the OP to tell others what to do.

Yes, notice how I said that the full on heroic raid gear was from the BFA AND LEGION M+ rewards.

Have you even stepped into an SL raid? Achievements say noā€¦

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Haha got ā€˜em! Lol my biggest hater takes another loss

Look at that empty sepulcher prog

your opinions evidently consist of telling us to ignore whats irritating us and try it/give it a chance lol

The entire issue is thisā€¦IM NOT BUYING the expansion over this joke of grounding my mount collection for two years.
I AM WILLING to ā€˜give it a chanceā€™ā€¦but NOT if theyre telling me my mounts i paid cash for arent going to be able to do what I bought them to do.

I was ready to play the expansion ā€¦then we find that Ion has said screw your mount collection for flight.
And now Im not buying the expansion.
All they have to do is stop playing the flipping games with flight.
And again.this didnt need yet another thread.
At this point every person who brings this topic up in a whole new thread is being blocked. lol

Unfortunately people in this game for a growing number are against change and will fly off the handle before they even test it.

The difference is people were saying that after testing it themselves on beta. And Blizzard ignored them. Yes. Theyā€™ve burned up good faith. But letā€™s at least get this on beta for proper feedback before we start claiming this will be a failure.

Feel free to have your concerns, I have plenty about it myself because youā€™re correct, Blizzard has a history of failing. But I also really like the general idea of it, so against my better judgment Iā€™m choosing to be hopeful and positive.

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jesus hp christā€¦

The entire issue is thisā€¦IM NOT BUYING the expansion over this joke of grounding my mount collection for two years.
I AM WILLING to ā€˜give it a chanceā€™ā€¦but NOT if theyre telling me my mounts i paid cash for arent going to be able to do what I bought them to do.

I was ready to play the expansion ā€¦then we find that Ion has said screw your mount collection for flight.
And now Im not buying the expansion.
All they have to do is stop playing the flipping games with flight.
And again.this didnt need yet another thread.
At this point every person who brings this topic up in a whole new thread is being blocked. lol

Okay, but we shouldnā€™t assume there will be one either. It goes both ways. :point_left: :point_right:

Well no, weā€™re discussing. On a forum for discussion. You are free to air grievances, Iā€™ve even said that multiple times. Meanwhile, Iā€™m here saying I like what I see. I have my own concerns because this is Blizzard and thereā€™s always a monkey paw involved. But Iā€™m choosing to be hopeful.

And now they should add challenges to using portals, too. Because why add risk and force engagement only on air travel? Thereā€™s an % chance that you will end up at some random location in the game, and a [y]% chance you will find yourself in a graveyard in Stonetalon mountains.

Fair enough.

Okay but this could be a fun Aprilā€™s Fool joke if people wouldnā€™t freak out and start tossing insults. Every portal is Portal Roulette because someone let the mages go crazy.

This is where Iā€™m at. No reason not to give ā€œglidingā€ to those who like it and regular flying to those who prefer that.

I kind of like what Iā€™ve seen in the new trailers, but will reserve final judgment until I have a chance to try the new systems out.

Iā€™d be ok with flying being possible somehow on the old flying mounts, but only if the new Dragon mounts had the ability to flame an old mount out of the sky causing the rider to hurl to their death below. Now that would be a hoot :slight_smile: The new Dragon mounts would, of course, be immune to fire.

sorry. its not you personally. Its this THREADā€¦AGAIN lol.
they cant just discuss something they have to BAIT AND TROLL which is exactly what this OP is doing. Im not dumb enough to think the OP didnt see the 15+ threads we had on this already and the turmoil its causingā€¦but he just had to troll with another one.

and with thatā€¦Im outā€¦thread /muted

While I donā€™t believe itā€™s a failure and I feel that the dragon riding is got to be a great immersive mini game to add more contentā€” which is what Iā€™ve been telling them for years to do, because they should be adding content vertically and not just horizontally. So this is a good thing.


We canā€™t wait for beta for feedback. Things are too set in stone already. These discussionsā€” in constructive and calm qaysā€” need to happen now with Blizzard communicating back to us.

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No. Youā€™re telling everybody who has any concern about the lack of information and what might go wrong that they should ā€œDonā€™t worry, be happy, and say nothing, because it will all be fixed in 12.0ā€.