If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

So you’re just going to conveniently ignore me after calling you out on your blatant insults? Classy

This right here is the issue.

People seem to think that others bringing up the concern is suddenly “going nuclear” or having a fit, etc.

There’s a serious amount of gaslighting going on towards some of us, because others don’t understand that voicing concern and trying to get some good, small changes added is not being upset with the new system. It’s simply giving constructive feedback to help the system be better.

sorry but theyve already said the dragons are fast…they dive…they have a totally different flight mechanic…this joke of their ‘not being used’ is just that…a joke. EVERYONE except a few who cant handle it WILL be using the dragon mounts.
This is just one more lame excuse to pull this kind of stunt.


This is all blizzard had to do to make you stay on the ground thats so funny

I don’t have flying yet for ZM but that sounds awful and hopefully they fix that lol.

To be fair, some people are being perfectly reasonble with their concerns and/or criticisms.

There are some that appear to be practically seething about it though.

They don’t listen to feedback because by the time they get feedback on something that has already been implemented, it’s too late to be changed.

I have a lot of paid for mounts, too. I’m still not going to throw fits over it. I for one don’t mind the idea of it, but I also offered up the suggestion of just capping how far up someone can fly with the current version we have and those who want to fly higher have to do so with the new system.

Again, I’m not targeting people specifically. Everyone is more than free to share concerns and valid opinions. However, there are people who are absolutely going crazy over it.

Then they need to say that…not that it matters for two years.
I’ll just sit this one out till then but Im getting VERY SICK in here of being told its no big deal. It is. and those who think it aint shouldnt be talking in the first place. We are ALLOWED to complain here and no one here has right or authority to tell us not to other than moderation.

If you’re getting dismounted by birds, then you’re doing it wrong. Get the comfortable barding.

Which I understand. But those of us being reasonable are being lumped into the rest and we’re getting the condescension and gaslighting. And that kinda sucks.

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You’re allowed to complain, and others are allowed to rebuff your arguments if they disagree.

It’s a public forum. I’m not telling you to be quiet. Don’t tell me to.



Yeah, I find that people tend to make generalizations too often.

There are people being perfectly reasonable, and reasonable criticism is nothing but a good thing.


Then you need to stop talking about it. no one cares if youre ok with it. Many of ARENT and we ARE going to voice it in here and this OP has ZERO authority to even hint that we need to stop.

Wrong again infinitely farmable up to 262 good try tho

This is a discussion forum. I’m here to discuss. My opinions are opposite of yours but that doesn’t mean I have to stop talking about it.


Exactly where is this coming from? I wasn’t complaining about this…

All i said to you to that comment was… :point_down:

Infact, that comment is about how …again, ubiquitous the dragon mounts which only you can ride on that it was safe to assume it wouldn’t exactly happen. You don’t know exactly what Dragon flying is and neither do it, and yet in your response to Thallia who was talking about her flying being removed (which in turn removes her druid flight ability) you set up the expectation that you were assuming that there will be a passenger option or upgrade considering how you’re asking her why is she assuming there will be none of that. If that’s not the expectation, then you’ve should’ve worded it better.

This is ignoring Blizzard’s history on flying which leads further credence to that assumption she made, but i digress.

If there’s literally one thing i’m complaining about, it’s the double standard here you’ve been employing with me so far.

The law states that I must hate before trying. It also says that I am only allowed one look and therefore from that one look must call it bad.


If you have no problem with the game, then its pretty easy for you to not say much at all when we are complaining. Yet the OP AGAIN has chosen to make an entire thread about this crap even though we have what…15 or more at this point? loll

Many of the mount tricks shown in those videos are already available. I show people while camping sha of anger sometimes but perhaps people think I am hacking or something. Somethings (like flying diagonally) require holding down 3 keys at once and in keybinds add keys for pitch up and pitch down and discover what cool tricks you can do.

Insta cast is great while falling for druids… but its not the only mount that can be cast high up in the sky… there is one other (an actual mount, not a form) Hint: store mount.

262 is end game gear. in the BFA/Legion version, you could get full on heroic raid quality items from end of dungeon base. The only reason it’s 262 instead of 265 is to put a damper on heroic week loot trading in SL.

It’s a forum for feedback. If blizzard ONLY received negative feedback because the people that were happy said nothing, we’d never receive middle grounds and the group that was happy could become unhappy.

It goes both ways. If you have grievances, more power to you, but people that are happy should voice their opinions as well.

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