If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

I wouldn’t bother trying to reason with them. They’ve been having a full-blown meltdown since yesterday and are hellbent on being ignorant to the fact that people like the idea of new mechanics.

Yeah 100%. I didn’t assume there would be one. I’m just saying I don’t know so I’ll wait until I have all the info before I voice my concerns over the system.

That’s fair. Have a good day! :smiling_face:

I can appreciate that. It’s a good discussion to have. I’ve already brought up a potential middle ground that I think would work well.

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try again.

0/11 LFR insulting 6/11M on prog.

lmao mr biggest hater congratulations for proving me right again

Your opinion shouldn’t hold weight cuz you haven’t engaged w the content :rofl:

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Pls make a PowerPoint next :joy:

Thanks for admitting you’re actually a koala.

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Why do i have a feeling that he’s gonna try to pull the "AHA! i have a main account… but i’m not gonna show it to you, because …uhh uhh… uhh… Ooo! stalking and etc! Yea yea yous stalker, you wanna stalk because :scream: YOU ASKED FOR MY MAIN ACCOUNT!!! " card? :thinking:

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I think it’s just pure trolling, with a side of willful ignorance.

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i would have no problem with it if it wasn’t forced. let me fly like i always have if you want this garbage in the game have fun with it.

Looks stupid, boring, and pointless.

We’ve been flying in wow for over a decade.

Just one question then:

If GW2 is so amazing, why have you playing WoW with it’s apparently completely unsatisfactory flying all this time? If flying in WoW is so terrible, go play GW2.

And really, I’m not trying to be a jerk here, but seriously asking the question.

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I know you are just another foe I have defeated but I will have mercy

sure kid, whatever helps you sleep at night.

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i’m just curious why everyone wants crap from every game. before its all over every game will be the same that will be so much fun. no thanks.

The real cringe in this thread is this troll who can’t even troll well. No nuance at all.

-2/10 Would rather be stuck in a conversation with Snozh.

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Well tbh, Blizzard does take crap from other games… As well the rest of the game industry as well…

Cough, year of the lootboxes. :sneezing_face:

Me personally, with Ralph.

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Go back 2 classic :rofl:


It’s so great and amazing why it something we’re forced to use to even experience content? I’m not saying it might not be good but it’s odd how they are handling it.
