If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

Is it not ironic that you’re saying I’m gaslighting when you falsely claimed I was talking down to you.

You’re the one who is making jabs at me.

“Do you comprehend “right now?””
“Learn to read”

Like seriously?

Ion said that dragon riding won’t have a two seater option?

Because who cares about consistancy?.. :crazy_face: /s

…How’s dragon mounts with one seat (the rider) made up? There’s literally have been one dragon mount that allows another rider. It’s not a common enough thing to assume they will have that sort of upgrade.

Now do i want that as an upgrade? Yes.

Apparently get hyped over a CGI trailer that tells nothing about the gameplay. Because as i said before… :point_down:

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Blizz mini-games are notoriously bad while artifacts were more in line with something they could do well.

Seems like they could have just let us normal fly at launch and used this dev time for something like a melee/tank dragon class or anything people have actually been asking for.

there…is that in any way confusing for you…since you felt to make yet ANOTHER thread about this ?
I WILL complain while Im paying my bill, friend…END of discussion

thanks to ION, I spend half of my time in wow going places, painfully.

getting there is not half the fun.

I would like to get on the game, do the things I want, and then do other things, not tab out while on a taxi or swear every time the mini game of dragonfight burps ,disconnects me or outright kills me.

no thanks…

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You clearly didn’t.
They did not mention ever sunsetting legacy flying.

You read one thing and draw upon that a myriad of conclusions. This thread will age like milk, just wait.

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I mean I’d love that upgrade as well but I’m not going to complain about Blizz not adding it when I don’t know for sure.

Eh, that’s what the wait and see I for. If they actually listen to feedback, I’ll be happy.

and we were ready to try it guy…UNTIL THEY SAID OUR FLYING MOUNTS DONT FLY
is this that hard a flipping concept for you all?

I can literally go get the gear I want. I can go farm as many badges as I want. I don’t have to wait 6 weeks for catch-up systems. I can go purchase flying from the vender right away. I can literally grind as much as I want and I can do the full campaign

Good try tho :+1:

Daddy blizz says 750 valor per week, but I can do 8 mythics for vault

Horrible game design the devs are doing a really poor job right now. I expect worse from this expac and so far from this announcement i am correct.

Talent trees are 10 years old so are tier sets.

In recent blizzard announcements these have been promoted as “features”

They didn’t accomplish anything, they are just reskinning old stuff, selling it back to the players and making sure you can’t get it all too fast

The players are being conned


Yes. They did. It literally says:

Blizzard has confirmed that you will only be able to “fly” in the Dragon Isles using the new Dragonriding system. Your broader mount collection will act only as ground mounts in the new zones.

Dismissing the fact that this all exists and burying your head in the sand doesn’t make it go away.

Talk about it now or watch it become reality later.

I choose to concern myself with it now and give my feedback to make sure we get our current flying back with all of our own flying mounts.

If you want to sit there and do a happy naive dance, then give shocked Pikachu face later, so be it.

No. I get it, I understand the outrage, especially as a Druid. But I’m also not going nuclear over it without learning more.

and we would give it a chance…IF Ion hadnt decided that all those FLYING MOUNTS I paid cash for get to sit this entire expansion out…grounded, as it were.
you all may be ok with this crap, but personally I aint.
the entire issue wouldnt exist if ION would stop poison pilling every flipping thing the man touches.

the dragon riding is FINE…grounding my bought and paid for flying mounts ISNT.

weekly cap on emblems tho…

M+ was actually one of the 1st true infinitely farmable end game gearing systems we’ve had.

You mean like you do in Zereth Mortis when you’re dismounted by birds?

Every time the word Copium is on the verge of dying someone uses it again and jumpstarts it back to life for a few more weeks. Let it die already…

The mount itself and the flying mechanic are two only tangentially related issues. Whether one customizes a mount or not, it makes zero sense to implement a new flying mechanic to add a challenge which can be totally ignored.

If every class had a spell which instantly killed any target, do you think they would spend any money or time on other class abilities? Or adding complex boss mechanic? Or mythic/aotc achievements?

well, unless they backpeddle here everywhere Ive looked since yesterday says the same exact thing…no flight for all those mounts I paid cash for on three accounts

Presumably if it is successful, they’d update the other mounts to make use of the system.

That being said, if this is a one-and-done Dragon Flight only feature that is permanently locked to the specific drakes, that’s pointless and a complete waste of time.

We will have to see.