If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

Was PF even mentioned? Last I checked, Dragonflight was the only intentional method to get around. Yes its being forced because your being forced to ride a mount you may or may not like and you have to accept it or take an extra 2-3mins to reach the area you want to quest at on land mount because “zone designed for DF system” aka hills and mountains, etc. Ridiculous.

You’re right I don’t know what exactly dragon riding entails which I’ve already stated. I’m hyped for what I saw in the reveal.

Yeah I did say that and I’ve stated that multiple times. You should express concern over the features that Blizz has shown us and have spoken about adding to the game. Not made up mechanics that people are just assuming will be implemented.

Like you get what I’m saying right?

Initially, yes. You can fly much earlier than you ever could have, provided it’s locked down. To Dragon Riding.

Do you honestly believe you’d go an entire expansion without using any of your other flying mounts?

No, wait. Don’t answer that.

The irony. When I expressed my concerns and issues, it’s wrong, I’m “getting worked up” and “it’s not that serious.”

I wonder which it is I’m allowed to do, according to his rules.


What a crappy music!!

But they can’t really coexist. At least not from the start.

The new flight mechanics solve the problem of “how do we add hard to reach locations?” which old flight trivializes. If anyone could choose old flight right out of the box, it would defeat the purpose of designing a new mechanic.

If you were a designer and pitched spending a pile of money to develop this, but was like “oh, but they can just ignore all that and use old mounts,” the producer would probably call security to escort you from the building.

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As someone who has always been more invested in the world content than player power, this statement makes me sad on so many levels :frowning:

( but in the end, I do hope you are well-entertained by what is coming - I don’t want any of my doubts to get in the way of that )

Not at all but okay. Clearly you’re worked up because you’re claiming I’ve been talking down to you which is not true.

The only one who’s been rude is you. Asking me if I comprehend the phrase “right now”. Not a super effective insult but you’re obviously try to take jabs at my intelligence and it’s a bad look.

I don’t have a problem with you or anyone else and if I mess up I apologize but that’s not going to happen here because I haven’t said anything wrong.

As of right now, they only get used on the ground. Normal flying will not exist.

This is what some of us are trying to get changed. After we master dragon riding, some of us would like to push for the option for regular flying to unlock to use our class ability and our flying mounts in the air where they belong.


They did not confirm that Pathfinder will cease to exist.

They did confirm that dragonriding is restricted to your dragon mount, and that dragon riding will be what you get at launch.

WoWhead sometimes leans into the rage bait because it drives their own engagement metrics.


You’re literally expressing concerns over mechanics that you’re just assuming won’t be in the game. Is this the part where ya’ll team up on me? Surprisingly toxic

I think it’s fair to be concerned about the future of an iconic class functionality being shelved in new content for a couple of years, even if that functionality could kinda sorta be replaced with something else that functions in roughly the same way. Unfortunately, as warlocks know, there’s precedent for a class getting hosed by permanently losing an ability in order to prop up another part of the game. Or maybe Blizzard sticks to its 2-seater rarity scheme, and nobody gets that functionality on old mounts and abilities in the next expansion.

It’d be very easy for Blizzard to clear things up.

“Will druid flight form work in the next expansion?” Yes/No
“Will the new dragonriding system have an option to make a 2-seater mount?” Yes/No

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so players gaining power over time is timegating? You didn’t spawn into wrath with full bis, it took time to build your character up.

More gaslighting.

Keep it up.

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Thallia’s post. They have only stated thus far DF is the only flight system, unless they say normal mounts can eventually fly…this is going to be a crash and burn.

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So, same as it’s been for the last 8 years then.

Yes they did. They said there is no Pathfinder and said there is no regular flying.

That absolutely should clear that up. I makes sense for druids to have their flight form adapted to the system because it’s obviously a big part of their class fantasy.

As far as other mounts who knows.

Same. :frowning:

I raid and I dungeon, but…I don’t think I want another expansion where the only world content is WQs and dailies. It’s part of why I’m really hoping they do this right, because there is a lot of potential. And if it is successful, please give it to me in Flight Form. I could spend hours as a bird riding updrafts and gliding through the sky.

Please show me where in the last 8 years our mounts solely work on the ground and never in the air.

Did you not read what was posted twice now?

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