If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

they need to go back in the kitchen and fix their mistakes.

I’m not throwing a tantrum over the new mini game. I think it’s a fun idea. And I do agree some people need to calm down.

There is no assumption. It doesn’t exist right now. Do you comprehend “right now?” Do you understand that talking about these things is what helps bring about positive changes for later?

Perhaps instead of assuming that someone is just angry to be angry, you could actually learn to read and understand what’s really going on.

All you’ve done is focus on people being angry, instead of the fact that some of us are focusing on how things could improve off of the new system that we do think is a nice addition.


I’m not going off the handle
 but I’m extremely pessimistic. Because I know there will be rep or renown grind to it
 and blizzard has burned us to many times in the past
 I have absolutely zero hope that they do anything in the players favor any longer

Our CEO mandated a return on site with a huge Qdoba catering party on Monday. I started feeling bad the following morning. :expressionless:

But thank you! I’m definitely worried, and also annoyed. I’ve avoided illness for two years and yet the first time I’m forced back to the office, I get sick.


To be fair, when people tried to raise alarms when it was early enough to fix the problems, I was grumbling " I just wish WoW players would try something for once rather than immediately flying off the handle."

Pretty sure I didn’t say you were angry but obviously you got some issues talking to people. Take a chill pill.

And that’s good! You’re doing better than I am. I swore I wouldn’t get hyped, but like I said above they got me in my weak spots: flying and dragons.

I’m struggling to return some pessimism by reminding myself that I thought Covenants sounded cool at the start. That’s been a nice wake up call.

I do think a big difference here is this is a matter of player power vs. world content. They have to be careful with player power. The world has been the same since TBC so I’m interested to see how it feels with this.

what? Yes I’m hyped about the content that they showed in the trailer. How is that hyping something I know nothing about?

They stated they’re adding dragon riding and I like that. Again, I’m hyped about the stuff in the trailer which is literally the only stuff that we know about currently.

You absolutely do. You’ve spent two days talking down to me, telling me to calm down, telling me to stop being angry and ignoring everything I’ve been saying.

I agree, it makes the dev team look like they have confidence in what they made with their new dragonflying system. Because as the saying goes, “if you build it, they will come”. :slight_smile:

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This soap opera is getting boring.

But guess what OP? It’s the ONLY way to fly in DF, which is why its bad. Its being forced. Not everyone wants to do this or likes it. Mounts like invincible can no longer be ridden in new zones with glorious pride because devs have a war on flying since wod.


You also wouldn’t get very far early on in pugs.

if you kill bosses pre double legendary, you’re just killing them pre-nerf.

gaining power over time is a core design feature of wow. If you get rid of that, wow will no longer be wow.

Sure, sorry you’re getting this worked up. It’s not that serious.

 that is where I’m at
 to me it is like oh so they’re changing up the war strats a bit. Just so flipping tired of it and them all.

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Does it tie in to player power?
Do you think you’d get declined an invite because you didn’t interact with the big scary dragon?

Nothing is forced. You’ll fly later when you unlock Pathfinder with everyone else.

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“Wow would no longer be wow”

Let me translate

“We don’t know how to make a video game that keeps people interested without slowly dripping content out so they come back and we get our monthly payments”


Wow had 12 million subs in wrath and no Timegating.

Yeah they know what they are doing lmao

CGI trailers for games show pretty much next to nothing about the gameplay or it’s features. Their pretty to look at, but that’s about it.

But you don’t know what exactly is dragon riding. So why is it okay for you to be hyped or like that, but not okay to express concern?..

Funnily enough, you did say this


See? Right there. More gaslighting. Not once have I been worked up over any of this. I’ve given my opinion and information. You turned it into something else entirely to be condescending, dismissive and to gaslight. This is a you problem, not me.