If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

So by years, you mean “not WoD”…

Well fair enough.

Indeed, infact… that’s how it should be if you ask me.

I’m simply going by what the history has done to come to that assumption. It’s not an unreasonable assumption to make.

Of coarse, if you are saying it’s unreasonable to make that assumption because we have no idea about it, then it’s also unreasonable to assume it will have passenger option or upgrade because we have no idea about it.

Ugh, no offense, but i’m really tired of this “skepticism bad, mindless hype good” ‘propaganda’. Hyperbole aside, why can’t people express their concerns, now?.. Why’s expressing concerns or having skepticism or criticism is a bad thing, but hyping it up with no questions asked, is good?..

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I mean, normal/heroic/mythic raid followed the standard patch release cycle, same with S3 of M+. We had a week to explore the new zone, and do more testing of the patch than the entire ptr cycle, then we get heroic week, followed by mythic week.

It’s a good thing that it’s mandatory. WoW flight has been dogturd doo doo for over 10 years. They have got to catch up. If they’re innovating here, they might try innovating elsewhere.


That’s why I want to see more of it before judging. What I see is everything I’ve wanted in a game and I just couldn’t find it (do not get me started on GW2 and their locking every skin behind a paywall for their mounts). But it entirely depends on if they Blizz it up by taking a fantastic idea and turning it into Domination Shards.

Side Note: Domination Shards should be the lowest possible standard/harshest criticism towards anything they muck up because I genuinely don’t think anything is worse than that system.

Because people are expressing concerns over things they don’t even know are true or not lol. The only thing I’ve hyped up is what I saw in the trailer that I liked.

That’s the thing, though. It’s not even mandatory.

Flying and Dragonriding are distinct, separate systems.

The former will likely play out the same as it literally always has. The latter gives the level design team the chance to allow flying on Day 1 without cheesing everything.

Literally how is this bad.

This, it will add something to the game beyond just mounting and pointing yourself in a direction and doing something else for a couple mins while you “fly”. Looking forward to this mechanic myself, it might get old but i want to give it a try to see how it feels and plays and i might just enjoy it in the way i enjoyed Anthems flight as well.


It could suck. It could also be great. No one has tried it. I really want to try it

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This applies to the people hyping it up as well. Their hyping things up they don’t even know are true or not.

I don’t see the reason to have this double standard in place when it goes both ways.

The standard cycle is very bad. I would love to start pugging mythic but I can’t because it’s realm locked. I would love to have been able to experience double leggo and the new raid at the same time for the first time but I couldn’t.

Better yet I would’ve loved to experience having these awesome tier sets and the catalyst by week 4

It forces you to be on blizzards time table instead of your own and it sucks

My favorite take:

“It’s a jumping puzzle.”
Yep. Jumping. Nothing disingenuous or senselessly provocative about that.

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I know its not even in Alpha yet and people already have opinions. You cant form a logical opinion on a dinner at a restaurant if they restaurant is still under construction lol. Wait till you sit down and eat the food before you make a judgement

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I want to try it in flight form. I hope they add that functionality in to other mourns if it works out. Or at least an option.

One of my proposed ideas is set a ceiling for normal flight but to get to the higher places you need that momentum. So people who just want to fly from A to B can do so but people who want to experience this new system can really experience it.

And concerns that Blizzard has confirmed, such as not using our existing flying mounts to fly in the Dragon Isles.
Or the fact that one of the devs referred to it as Arcadey the AusGamers interview.

[Dragonriding] is very fast and fluid, it’s arcadey,

This other line copy-pasted from their AusGamers interview is also concerning:

“You press the spacebar and you do a giant takeoff. And then the whole mini-game is that you’ve got height and speed and you have to try to figure out how to get as far as possible before you land again.

Bolded the parts that are concerning to me and I’m sure others as well.

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There isn’t a double standard though. At least not from my point of view. If people are hyping up stuff that they’re randomly assuming will be added then that’s dumb and they’re setting themselves up to be disappointed.

Yeah I don’t think I ever expressed an issue with people complaining about that. I personally don’t mind them implementing the system that way but obviously if you don’t like it you should express that.

This is where a wall climbing function on the dragon would be great. Let us climb up nearby cliffs and rocks and leap off of those.

You’re saying “People are expression their opinion over things they don’t even know are true or not”. I don’t know about you, but being concerned (or any other variation you would like to put here) or being hyped (or any other variation you would like to put here) are opinions.

If you’re saying “Don’t have an opinion on something you don’t know anything about” and then turn around and have an opinion on something you don’t know anything about, that’s a double standard.

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They havent! Thats why this is such lunacy! What they have done is send you images of the food. You havent tasted it! No samples were given. When did you play it?

A free sample would be here play the xpax for 24hours and tell me what you think

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I have had it for the last six days.

High risk due to chronic lung disease but triple vaccinated and it has been like a mild cold with a heavy cough and flashes of severe nausea.

Good luck!

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When did I have an opinion on something that I didn’t know anything about?