If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

That’s a bit of a stretch. If someone else using the traditional “boring” flight mechanics with their fancy store bought mount, I am not in any way prevented from using the new dragon flight mechanics. These two things can coexist and both players can be happy simultaneously.


so you get to fly from the start, with some extra thing thrown in, and that’s your response?

Do you have any inside information on this? or do you just automatically assume something will be bad without having basically any info?

They are trying something new here, that they haven’t really done before. do you have to bash it before players get to actually test it?

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… Well, we do have huge dragon mounts with only one seat… so it’s not out of left field to assume that…

Hey, that’s totally your opinion on it. I don’t see it as that doom and gloom yet, but part of it is because the idea is appealing to me. I acknowledge Blizzard is likely to mess it up, but I’d like to at least see it in action before I start the torches and pitch forks.

And feel free to die on the hill! I’m not trying to change people’s minds, I just said I wish some people could look at things with an open mind. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it, and feel free to give that feedback.

I mean…I’m being pretty much bombarded in this thread. You’re not saying anything different than others other than calling me a shill, which is frankly hilarious given the last year.

But all the same: it all depends on how they implement it, and I even said that before. If they mess it up, it’ll feel awful. If they don’t, it could end up being very fun. It depends on how the manage it. Blizzard is known for screwing things up, but the only way to know for certain is to see how it feels in beta and see how they react to feedback. If they stonewall people once again, then we’ll likely know the system is awful and by 10.2 they’ll go back on their word and give the flying we know back. It’s a pretty standard ebb and flow with them.

Well yeah, BfA was a stitched together monstrosity and SL wasn’t even a full expansion. Legion had a complete story, at least.

I do want the expansion to actually finish. And be together at the start, no more patching as they go. Which is why these coming months will be so important; not necessarily because of beta feedback, but rather to see and gauge how Blizzard reacts to feedback. Will they pull a Lore and shut down forums because people showed him he was wrong in blaming the testers for failures or will they actually listen?

I’m sorry, I wasn’t being snarky directly at you. The comment I quoted was your statement of rose tinted glasses about Vanilla-Wrath being the best and I followed up with saying I don’t believe that. I genuinely did not mean that response to come off as rude to you, just a “Oh please, those old games? They’re not good.” It came across incorrectly thanks to text, and I apologize.

Now, the attack on my character was very unwarranted and I do not think any of your follow up was necessary, though if that was due to you perceiving my response to you as an attack then I suppose fair play.

Well…yeah? I said years, WoD was 8 years ago? Nothing in that statement you quoted indicated I was talking about Vanilla, so…cool I guess?

Alright, so let’s judge on how well it’s executed first, before calling for changes.

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I do agree that they should build druid flight into the new system from day 1.

I’m just excited for a dynamic way to explore the world instead of noclipping everywhere all day or, more realistically, completely ignoring the world as I currently do due to the boring nature of it all.

Currenty flight is almost literally just the “TCL” command from morrowind/oblivion/skyrim. :laughing:

Absurd. Not interested in mini game vehicles.


Yes. Yes please. So much yes, being able to do those moves in owl/eagle form fulfills my flight fantasy.

They probably could but I’m actually really happy that they’re only allowing the dragon riding mounts to be used for flying on the Isles. I feel like it’ll add a lot to the immersion actually being on the Isles and seeing everyone fly around on these dragons instead of random mounts from old xpacs.

It’s not a deal breaker for me but I understand the frustration that people are expressing.

Making assumptions about a system we don’t know much about and then complaining about those assumptions as if they are facts just seems like a waste of energy.

Once they fully reveal the system and people are able to see what features they have and don’t have then it makes a lot more sense for people to express their concerns but as of right now people just mad over things they don’t even know are true.

Because it’s been pretty limited up to this point? The number of non-druid 2-seater flying mounts is maybe five, most of which you can’t get anymore because they were tied to Blizzcon or RAF.

Oh 100%, Blizzard doesn’t deserve any faith right now. I’m breaking my promise to myself of staying distant because they hit me in my weak spots: flying and dragons. I have hope, which I shouldn’t. But that’s because what was presented is so much what I want that I can’t help myself.

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Name one cool thing in the last patch that wasn’t timegated.

Even the stupid campaign was timegated.

Flying day one is probably like 40% mount speed dumb mini game and then 2 weeks later it’s 100% or however they do it.

They just want to kick people who want to do the new content right away in the nuts over and over by saying “oop too much gaming for you”

They are literal children


I don’t know about everyone else but I don’t want to hang my hopes on another “IF they do it right” for 2+ years of Dragon Isles.
Showing footage from another game means nothing.
This is not that game.
Blizzard rarely scraps features that make it into Beta, so now is exactly the time to voice concerns, criticisms and general dislike of what we’ve seen so far.

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This entire thread just proves my point. The people who are complaining want an easier game, not a better game. They would be happiest if the game was run entirely through a menu.


So it makes sense to just assume it’s not in and get pissed rather than wait until we know for sure?

Getting rid of shards of domination.

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Stagnating because of a fear that it may be bad isn’t a good idea though.

The simple matter of fact is that WoW, in many of its mechanics (including flight) has stagnated for 10+ years and if it doesn’t start catching up, it’s going to keep slipping.

They need more dynamic gameplay and this new system needs to be good.

Lmao I guess but yeah those were also a “hey cool new thing just try it out” vibe on here too.

More of the same bs

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You can give people exactly what they want and the players will dig their heels in and try to twist that into a negative.

The game’s been stagnant for far too long. Let it progress. Please.


You can change the mount at any time. You also get 4 different styles of mount to customize.

Oh if Blizzard kills my love of flying and dragons, I will never forgive them.

Yeah, I’m absolutely for vocalizing concerns. But I also have my own opinions on something potentially being good if done right. I like innovation, just…not when they ignore feedback.