If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

I hope you’re happy. I hope you’re happy now.


I LOVE flying, I very much dislike the concept of removing flight that many anti-flyers have pushed for in the past.
That said, I’m excited for this and hope it’s not crap!

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“Try something for once” - what the blizzard shills are saying

“No flying again even though you guys ask for it constantly, instead you get this new feature and you are forced to use it if you want to do the new expac. By the way all your mounts are now useless.”

  • what blizzard is saying

Can’t wait to unlock timegated mount speed. ROFL So much cope

What’s next? Probably unlocking flying every season


Cope and Seethe. WoW is finally leveling up.


We only really get a chance to do that during Halloween because we can only ride broomsticks (which have handles) during that time.


See if I wanted to play GW2 where you spend almost a month (or more) grinding for a “fully functional” mount that STILL even after grinding everything is just glorified gliding, then I’d play GW2…

Their mount system is one of the reasons I personally chose WoW over GW2. Don’t get me wrong it’s cool (Especially that you can attack with some of them), but so much time is sunk into it for 0 reason.

In GW2 I guess it works because you don’t really have to worry about gear unless you’re a new player, but in WoW…

If it doesn’t take as painfully long as it does in GW2 to get everything for your Dragon then maybe I could be onboard with completely copying it (cause that’s what they’re doing).


Yeah, but there weren’t as many issues around the artifact weapons because they did that system well and right. They’ve fumbled the systems since.

Oh please, my deleted graveyard of alts we’re all killed by TBC and WotLK leveling. I was not fond of either of those expansion, even at the time. Fun memories, but I did not enjoy them as much as I enjoyed MoP.

But even though people have stated they like BfA and SL, you’d have to be blind to not see the general reaction around the internet towards those expansions.

Oh, have I been given the shill badge? Wow, I finally get to hang up my Blizzard Hater and FF14 Shill badges!!

I’m not flying off the handle. I’m fine with a mini game and think it’ll add more gameplay and I like that.

Removing my regular flying entirely, my druid ability and my ability to take friends with me who can’t do this on their own is why I’m unhappy.

Both can exist and should exist.

Talent trees locked to a weapon instead of our actual talent system wasn’t a bold move and no, it was not enjoyable until it was easier for off specs and alts.

Odd comparison. Especially when borrowed power systems for our talents is the least enjoyable change this game has ever made.


I’m not, I might have COVID. 🥲

If it was a positive system they wouldn’t need to remove out choice and force us to only use it.

Instead they are showing they once again are waging war on flying. Giving us gliding and pretending it’s the same.

It’s not.

They COULD have ADDED this flying. No, they didn’t, because it’s about removing flying. This convoluted nonsense is going to be unintuitive and obnoxious after the first couple hours. All because they have to be vindictive and obtuse and can’t just add in flying, or add this to flying.

Then people all “why u so annoyed they are removing your choice and ignoring everything players have been saying for over a decade.”

It’s indicative of a team that can’t out their ego aside and deliver something players want, and have to continue to make passive aggressive sides wipes at what players ask for.

Which doesn’t bode well for the rest of the expansion.

It’s hilarious, this is the only hill I’m willing to die on. Less mythic dungeons, idc. No new races, or classes aside from one race/class combo? Don’t care.

No flying. Again? Yea. No. Will die on this hill. Won’t buy till flying is avaliable, and if I get bored before then I guess it is what it is. The devs are so busy deciding how they will allow everybody to play the game they forgot the appeal of wow has always been the massive variety of things you can do on it.


The only part of my post you addressed is the part where I slighted you because it’s the truth.

Your silence speaks for how wrong you are, no need to reply

I was trying to make a wicked reference

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It is most likely going to end up being a step above the flappy bird world quest in bastion.

And it will most likely be something that is not account wide, so we will have to farm it on every character.

The answer to all of this is to include regular flying on day one of the expansion AND add dragon flying into the game that starts at say 350% speed that can be upgraded with all their stuff they want to add. People can fly on their own mounts if they chose to, AND people can use the new system that provides an increased benefit.

Sometimes I Just want to go for a magic carpet ride and explore a whole new world in the new zones.


Yeah, I can agree with that. Still, I’m more interested to see what they provide rather than throw the tantrum the forums are throwing.

Note: I’m not saying everyone is doing this, everyone is obviously entitled to their opinion and to give feedback, but there have been some major meltdowns.

See, I disagree. I enjoyed Legion’s version of borrowed power. It’s the last time I played all 12 classes and all 36 specs. The beginning was rough thanks to legendaries, but I genuinely loved the expansion and how it worked.


Oh please don’t tell me what I am supposed to like. Are you the almighty MMO god that knows what works and what doesn’t? What gaming company do you work for again? Oh yeah. You don’t cause you have 0 clue about anything.

Oh noes, someone actually loved an expansion you hated. They must be wrong because you are the almighty.

LMAO keep wearing those rose tinted goggles though.

edit: Guess what. The forums were flooded with tears even during Vanilla and every expansion. Just because forum posters cry doesn’t make things law or legit.

Ooof, sorry! My only witch knowledge is Hocus Pocus. Sadly I didn’t say fly off the vacuum cleaner!

Yeah, because garrisons, world quests and pretty much anything from WoD and onwards was never new to WoW, it’s been there since Vanilla, right?.. /s

To be honest, the legion artifact system wasn’t that majorly fun to begin with imo. Yes, it’s majorly fleshed out, but so are Garrisons in WoD.

I thought Torghast was a take on Roguelites? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…Exactly how innovative and new it really was? It’s more or less a grind system akin to rep grinding with old school talent trees. It’s a combination of things that work.

Age doesn’t have any direct ties to quality nor it should. You should judge something on how well it’s executed, not how new it is.

It’s not really an odd comparison, people liked it. Just because you didn’t doesn’t mean that the entirety of the player base shares that opinion.

Why are we assuming that dragon riding won’t have a passenger option or upgrade?

Having a Skyscale island will be fun. It’s a non-issue. Remember in WoD when we had like 30 open world toy abilities to unlock to get around good? It’s like that but contained in its own tab of buttons and hotkeyed to work with your normal movement controls instead of taking up hotkey space. This is how it should be done.

Mounts in GW2 are legitimately the most fun I have ever had with mounts in nearly two decades of playing MMOs. I will often run around with them just for the joy or it. Each of them feels unique, and is wonderful to control. I love that WoW seems to have smushed together the Skscale and the Griffon, and I really hope they can do even half a good a job as Anet did.

My only sadness is that we won’t be able to use the new riding skills in the old world. They talked about the old world not being made for it, and fair enough I suppose, but I did prefer Anet’s stance of “yeh, we know mounts are gonna break the old zones a little, but you know what, go have fun with it! (paraphrasing).”

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