If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

Well, that’s your opinion. I find it straight-forward, practical and useful and a great tool for exploration. New system is just more aesthetically pleasing and will be more like different tools in one mount, like goblin-gliders and stuff until maybe it will be more like real flying.


Except they are playing the game… exactly why you’re trying to set up subjective definitions here?..

And how this “advanced” flying changes that?..

“Flying isn’t exactly how i want it = Bad mobile game”… again why you do you play Retail then instead of GW2?

Except they’ve never said that, you’re oversimplifying it to a disingenuous level. Wanting functionality isn’t a bad thing.

Thus making your “i’m harassing” claim about me all the more sillier and null… :man_facepalming:

Imma press X to doubt mate.

…Did you literally just forgot what Blizzard tried to do over the past several years starting WoD? Do you seriously think they would just revert it, just like that? If people hate it?

Yeah, miss me with that stuff when we had like 6, arguably 10 years and possibly still going of the garrison design with Order Halls, BFA’s ship table and covenants with nearly same “send champs off via menu ala Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood style” mission tables atfer it’s been complained about… Or the Artifact grinding since Legion for 6 years at this point… Or Slyvanas being the main point of the story for 6 years… despite all the complaints.

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They told us this new flying will be faster, momentum based, and tied to a progression system. We have no idea what this thing will look like fully specced out. Reaching top speeds will likely offer more versatility than our old mounts. I see this new system as an objective improvement to the game.

Hitting numlock and then watching girl on girl action on your phone is hardly playing the game.

That’s your subjective opinion. If you’re in the game, objectively, it counts as playing the game.

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We were told there are no borrowed power systems in this expansion. Dragon Riding is available day one.

Mmm… not really.

LOL! That’s a rip from GW2.
That is so sad that Blizz is pulling ideas from other literally dead MMOs.

GW2 isn’t dead lmao. It’s popping. Every city is full of players.

I’l believe it when i see it.

Well you’re free to have a subjective definition of what counts as “playing”, but objectively speaking, if you’re in the game, you’re playing the game. Plus you seem to have a very narrow mindset of playing the game. Are people not allowed to multitask in your mind? If you don’t like the fact other people are playing the game regardless if it meets your subjective definition… that’s on you. :man_shrugging:

Yeah, going though the game once, sure, breathe it all in and such, take it slow, maybe give all your focus to your primary monitor. But going though the 45th time? It’s not going to have the same excitement as the first or third time around.

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Oh yea? On 1 server?

At this point we’ve known Blizzard and their vague statements for years.
The flying speed itself might be faster at times, but obviously just after you’ve climbed a huge mountain or building and jumped down to gain some momentum. I don’t trust any of this until it’s on the beta and we’ll see what they’ll do with it.
You said it yourself - we don’t know how it will work out in the end. So I don’t see the point in stating that it’s an objective improvement.


I don’t follow it closely. But I have seen it mentioned numerous times that the population has doubled. Odd that such an old game like that one - and also several other old gamess - can gain market share, while this one keeps slipping. Must be the fault of the playerbase, eh?

Exactly. :slight_smile:

It’s already an objective improvement if you have to actually use your environment and brain to use it effectively. It’s already better than hitting autorun and go back to doom scrolling on twitter or whatever.

You never even tried it mate because it doesn’t exist yet. :laughing:

You’re literally declaring it to be the best thing ever before we even playtest it ourselves. It’s no different from you claiming people are hating it before they even played it.

How about you use your brain?

This whole thread is just one big ‘Appeal to Novelty’ fallacy… :man_facepalming:


There are people who think that change for the sake of change is an “objective improvement”, even if it fails. As a basis for making business decisions it fails a lot, but their faith is still strong.


That’s not an objective improvement, that’s just your opinion man. :smile: You think it’s an improvement, I see it as a nice gimmick that shouldn’t be forced onto everybody. I just want to hop on my dragon and fly while from time to time training my new dragon. That’s why these creatures have wings, you know, and that’s how it worked since Burning Crusade.


SO traversing the terrain is enough make me not want to pay the game until flying is out.

Then don’t implement console type gimmicks in an MMORPG. leave these out. I don’t need minefields or sleeping mobs. I don’t need to be dismounted if I run through mobs (unless I go blood then I just slow down)

I just don’t get what MMORPG player this design is for. Console players sure, MMORPG players, nah.


Why should i be forced to engage with bs ive engaged with 1000 times over, just because YOU are bored?