If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

Exactly, man. These people don’t want to engage with a new system that could add interesting gameplay to flight. They want to keep the game mired in the engagement metric goopy doo doo sludge of auto flying to their daily quests.

Well, I know that what brings me back to WoW time and time again is the familiarity of it all. I can go a year without playing but as soon as I come back it’s like muscle memory, I immediately remember which buttons do what, I get into my flow… etc.

I imagine a lot of people are more resistant to change than they care to humbly admit, and combining that with the fact that people have been disappointed by Blizzard in the past (even the recent past) I am not surprised that the expansion announcement has resulted in a new wave of complaints.

You’re literally threatening to report me as well labeling these people who don’t get it as “haters” or “wanting an easier game” because you can’t have a discussion with people. The only aggressor in this thread is you, because you apparently can’t stand the fact that there’s people who don’t immediately agree with you or taken in by some flying videos.

And you didn’t.

Oh no, a person using a certain sentence length i don’t like… ahhhhhhhhhhhh… /s

Wanting easier game and wanting a better game are not mutually exclusive to one another.

And Hewer, let me ask you something, after being told this new flying will be faster and pretty much saying the old flying is bad (which is werid, why you’re playing retail then?..) because it has easier movement and easier movement is bad apparently…, how is that not an easier game with the new flying that gets to point A to B faster then?

How exactly the stuff we already have with the ring challenges and loop-de-lopps (ala delete/insert) are not counted here as interesting gameplay, but looked upon as new things or such as interesting in the new Flying?..

How exactly would this new flying changes anything really?

Do you even know what the new flying is?

You’re telling me to use my brain, and when i finally do, you’re essentially saying i’m wrong for doing that.

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I mean… if all it adds is just looking cool, then sure. I’m okay with both existing either way as long both exists.

Though it’s yet to be seen how the new flying works out.

They are mad because the core of the game was designed to kneecap the 0.0001% of poopsockers who do world first mythic raiding and everyone else got caught in the cross fire. This feature looks like something that was designed to appeal to casual exploration focused players.

I love the complainers. They mad they can’t world quest faster. They’re mad they can not auto run to their destination anymore. Good. Maybe they should be mad that blizzard designed a traversal system so boring that people would rather check their phones than actually play the game. The problem is they aren’t mad about the right stuff. They are mad they can’t disengage from the game easier. Good. This is a good thing for the game.

I personally am SUPER EXCITED about the Dragon Rider skill!

Well that’s just the thing isn’t it? Blizzard’s execution has been less then desirable in the past few odd or so years. If it’s not meh, it’s okay. Rarely they strike gold these days.

But i think the problem is, people like OP proclaims it to be the best thing ever for the game… without even knowing what it’s going to be or how it plays out first and honestly, i think that’s more of a problem then people being resistant to change. It’s change for the sake of change without realizing what’s the change is first or how it changes things…

And with OP calling people haters or mad for not immediately agreeing with them or asking them, or even threatening people to report them… like hyperbolically speaking, enough of that cultist nonsense.

Yep, that’s most likely. I did those quests once to just experience them. Avoided them after that.

I don’t want to speak for the OP but sometimes it’s pretty annoying for me when I am excited for something and other people are :poop:ing on it. I don’t expect an echo chamber, I do somewhat expect negativity about anything and everything on the forums. Sometimes it bugs more more than other times. But overall I think getting worked up because of other peoples opinions, whether they are good or bad, is a fruitless endeavor that does a disservice to yourself.

As a reader and fellow player, I like to think I am able to discern what is hyperbole and emotionally fueled rhetoric from what are valid concerns or criticisms. But my opinion about someone elses opinion doesn’t really matter. I just hope that Blizzard folks who read what we type here can do the same, but better.

In my opinion, nothing wrong with being hyped about it, just like there’s nothing wrong with expressing concerns about it.

There’s difference between having concern or being skepical towards something then just outright crapping on it, without even knowing what it is.

As well there’s a difference between having a healthy amount of excitement then just being hyped and defending it like it’s their baby without even knowing what it is.

We both seen these fair share of things, and these things both have an extreme side of the scale to a point of unreasonably… case and point… OP reporting people for harassment because they don’t understand their point and not taken in by these flying videos.

Some people sadly do. /eyes OP.

That shouldn’t mean you should discredit everything that doesn’t agree with you or what you like.

Having discussions on difference of opinion isn’t a bad thing. Infact, it’s good that it happens and it opens a world around you then just being with the people who agree with you only. It does more to grow you as a person. :slight_smile:

Well i’m glad you do, but you don’t do the same with praises? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t think Blizzard isn’t going to be exactly convinced by OP’s words … or lack there of… of their agrument of why GW2’s flying should be in the game. Considering the fact that… they make WoW and they get to dictate that. If i were in OP’s shoes, i would explain … well …explain how it adds to game… which according to OP, just sounds like a better(?) and probably more convenient(?) version of what we have?.. which i’l admit does somewhat sound cool, but were forgetting the cons of this game it has…

Blizzard has a history with flying ever since WoD, and there were a bit of a division. I like Pathfinder, and i could never see myself going back to buying flying one alt at a time. But i can also see why people like that. Anyways, among that history, Blizzard also put things in the air to make it less then convenient (And less convenience doesn’t always equal more fun), like instant dismount cannons, worms, nazajar cannons, the maw, birds… etc.

This would be remiss of me to say that WoW has… pretty wonky collision detection and has a bit of lag to things.

And i say all this with the fact i’ve played games with Flying like that, Spyro, Ark, GTA, and so on.

I’ve also played games with bad movement like Rockstar’s modern games from GTA 4 to the absolute AWFULNESS of movement in RDR2. Seriously, i had to play that game in First Person in order to make movement more responsive. And i think it’s one thing that OP hasn’t really understood yet. … and probably never will. People want something that functions first, because if it doesn’t function first, then it’s not going to be fun playing the game though with it.

Well you are consistent about it at least. :slight_smile:


¡Golden Fiery Thumbs Up!

Casuals are like small children sometimes. Literally “you think you do but you don’t” type stuff going on. Mad that they can’t not play the game when they’re “playing” the game. It’s so absurd. It’s actually so %%%%ing absurd. Whenever they post one of their “I quit” posts I just think “do it, you won’t”… and of course they never do. They just whine and that’s it.

They literally want the game to remain an effortless sludge of endless world quests that you XYZ to on a mount that is so overpowered that if it were in any other game of similar status it would be considered cheating. FFXIV has this problem. too. At this point it’s honestly shocking the entire game isn’t an idle game you play on your phone while taking a dump. They ask “What does this add to the game?” and I answer “It makes it a game!” and they reply “We don’t want a game, we want chores.” and I am resigned to insults.

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You hate current flight and you find current content that players can reach with flight to be “not fun.” Why are you here instead of GW2 and its magical model of flight?

What’s GW2’s weakness that its flight model cannot overcome? What makes you keep leaving that game to play this one you don’t find fun? And how is that exact thing not going to happen in WoW in the next expansion?


You better watch your mouth or I might just hold my breath


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It’s simple, homie. I play both. GW2 is free.

So you pay to play the game you like less?


I like both of the games. Flying is just one aspect of WoW that could use improvement.

I don’t think that anyone has a problem with the new flying system itself. They have a problem with disabling all other flying mount options and the huge likelihood that it will again be massively timegated so it takes a few weeks to months until anything similar to flying can be achieved - and then still won’t be proper flying.

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That is good. The old flying is bad. If the new flying is bad then they can just turn back on the old flying. I have faith that the new flying will be better. In fact the entire argument you’re making is backwards. Dragon Riding is flying. The “Flying” we currently have is /noclipon.