If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

Sometimes I wish I could see what the big fuss is about flying. All I see is movement in an xyz grid layout. Don’t know if I’ve ever played a game where movement was a big selling point for me.

You never played a game with fun movement? You never played Super Mario 64? You never played Starfox? Spider-Man 2?

Flying in Super Mario 64 was horrible, I really hated that mechanic. The rest of the game was really fun, though. I don’t go back to replay with movement in mind, though.

Pick a 3D mario game and tell me getting from point a to b isn’t more fun than simply no clipping every where like we do with current flying. Having zones build around this new mechanic, if pulled off to be as fast an zippy as GW2’s griffon would add so much interesting challenges and mechanical depth to the game. Just moving from A to B would turn into gameplay. If they do this right it could change the game for the better.

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I’ve played Ark Survival Evolved for almost 200 hours at this point, and i still don’t understand how that sort of flying adds to the game besides faster travel and loop-de-loops, or better ring challenges.

Either way, i don’t think calling people insane or saying they are on copium because they don’t see what you’re seeing isn’t a good way to convince people… It just seems hypocritical to me that were told to be hyped for a feature that we practically know nothing about while at the same time, be told that were wrong for being skeptical for a feature we know nothing about.

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It’s not just a matter of difficult terrain though. Even quest design on otherwise flat areas is affected by flight. Stuff like navigating minefields or sneaking past sleeping mobs don’t work if you can just helicopter to the destination. They can implement gimmicks with such things to require a dismount (eg, make you carry something), but you can only do that so many time before the contrivance begins to get old.

Using pathfinder to globally ground you until completing a big chunk of content is one such contrivance. And it’s a big one, that’s starting to get old lol.

Besides, this wasn’t just an issue from Wod 'til now. Right out the gate in BC, they were already experimenting with fel cannons and angry birbs to dissuade flying. Or sticking max level quests in caves. By the Sunwell patch, in the very expansion which added flight, they ended up resorting to a no-fly zone.

Wrath, in turn, tried to get around it with lots of “vehicle” quests. Cata and MoP also resorted to no-fly zones for patches, after having like a third of the launch dailies in caves.

I just can’t visualize what you’re talking about. I watched the video twice and still just see movement on an xyz plane.

Sounds like this is just something that isn’t in my wheelhouse. I don’t play WoW to play a platformer or going from point a to point b as a form of engaging gameplay. I just alt tab while flying in a straight line to a destination. As long as I can still alt tab without any issues, I’m fine with whatever.

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And dodgy collision detection mixed with cilent to server side (and in reverse) hiccups.

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Yeah same here pretty much.

…Really wish that OP explained to us how it adds but… i guess us not knowing and asking means we hate it… for some reason… :confused:


Sounds like this is just something that isn’t in my wheelhouse. I don’t play WoW to play a platformer or going from point a to point b as a form of engaging gameplay. I just alt tab while flying in a straight line to a destination. As long as I can still alt tab without any issues, I’m fine with whatever.

Like I said. The people who hate the idea of this new system don’t want a better game. They want an easier game.

Oh for goodness sake OP, people who asked you or didn’t get what you’re trying to say with that video isn’t hating on the idea… :man_facepalming:

If you explain to them how it’s adds to the game instead of showing them videos, they will be more likely to agree with you. And that’s not a hostile thing to say, it’s a helpful thing to say.

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Just better hope our potatoes can run it, or Blizz will lose even more subs before it even launches lol.

I don’t think Blizzard will probably go above like 600% speed i don’t think…

Though this does bring up questions about those who are on an HDD. :thinking:

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I already told you what it adds and you dismissed it and kept going at me. So I will say it again. Advanced movement adds more engaging gameplay to the game. The Griffon in the video isn’t “Just moving on an XYZ axis.” it is effected by momentum, and gravity. You need to use your brain to keep it aloft. No clipping high into the sky and then clicking autorun is not gameplay. It’s a chore. At that point the game might as well be played through a menu. Or have one of those “Auto run to destination” buttons like a korean phone mmo.

Having advanced flight in the game makes it more of a video game than it currently is with the noclip flying we currently have in the game. You’re being obtuse. Reported.

Maybe, and for some people you’re probably right.

But I don’t think “better” and “easier” are mutually exclusive concepts. I understand some peoples reservations. Some people have legit concerns. I don’t put any stock into doomsayers who made up their minds about the expansion even before it was announced.

Dragon riding is gonna be dope, I spend more time than I should just flying around aimlessly as it is. Now it’s gonna be more like how I picture flying around in my head. My warrior is already dragon themed. I’m ready.

Yeah, im on SSD. But still rocking my i7-2600K lol. Im able to run everything on 7 with zero problems. Just hope im good for this xpac. The Harley needs some love this year lol.

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I’d take this flying any day over the braindead garbage we have in the game now. People don’t want old flying back because it’s better. They want it back because it’s simpler. It allows them to disengage from the game they are playing and they call that a good thing. If traversing the world is unengaging, and they just want to get to their goodies faster instead of actuallly enjoying the journey that says more about the state of the game than it does about this new feature.


Well personally, i don’t think having faster flying, loop de loops and better ring challenges add a whole lot or to the degree you’re hyping it up to be. And i’ve played games like Ark, Spyro, and so on. I really don’t see how that adds to this game as you’re saying. :man_shrugging:

It’s still moving on XYZ axis, it’s just now has variables attached to govern that said movement.

Well maybe some people don’t want that advanced flying in WoW, maybe they want to get to where the gameplay is and just do the gameplay. There’s really no reason to have both.

…Why exactly you’re playing Retail then if you hated the flying it has then? Why not play… vanilla classic then?

You’re going to report me because i’ve asked you how it adds… this is why some people are disagreeing with you. You don’t want a discussion by not having any disagreements, because any disagreement you see, you think it’s because they hate it, when really, they don’t understand your claim because you couldn’t be bothered to explain in your own words how does it add to the game.

Plus, what you’ve said or done to me much ruder then anything i’ve done to you to a point where makes your “harrassment” claim seemed silly. :point_down:

…Plus didn’t you said you were ignoring me?..


Yea no your entire attitude this thread has been aggressive. I have no qualms about clapping back. You’re toxic as hell, boy.

I said I was going to ignore you and look how well that is working out. Dismissing my points with 1 sentence replies.

Just admit you want an easier game and not a better game.

Personally, on those points I don’t think it really matters why someone would prefer one over the other. People play for different reasons, after all. I like flying pretty much for the mounts. But I also like the convenience and efficiency of it.

I am open and looking forward to a more engaging and entertaining method of travel though. I’ve seen a lot of people ask “Why dragon riding? What’s the point?” To me it is simply the joy of flying. Does there NEED to be an end for this means? To me, there does not. It looks cool, it looks fun, I’m all about it.

I really don’t think that we are going an entire expansion without being able to fly on our mount collection in the new zone anyway, and a lot of the hullabaloo is because of the vagueness or lack of information. It’s a lot of preemptive doomsaying but I also think if people are concerned, the earlier you mention those concerns the more likely something, if anything, can be done about it.