If you don't want this for WoW you are huffing lethal amounts of copium

I would like to be able to use my flying mount, too, but this problem is probably much more complicated than we may think. Considering the small clips of dragon riding we got in the deep dive, it looks like there are unique animations that pertain to dragon riding. If Blizzard were to allow anybody to use any mount, it would require them building unique animations for every mount skeleton they have in-game, which would be a monumental task. I could see them doing it for some of the drake and proto-drakes, but everything else would probably be off the table.

The only way I see them letting you use any mount is if, at some point, you’re able to unlock permanent flying as an alternative travel method, which I think would be fair.

Aren’t you the voice of reason.

DF is literally WoW’s last chance with me. BFA & SL were absolute crap. I’ve only stuck around this long because of sunk cost, & the few friends who still play.

If I am put out or annoyed IN THE SLIGHTEST by any of the features of DF, I’m permanently done.

We tried Torghast, Covenants and Conduits.
We told them Torghast needed solid rewards, the majority would pick the best covenant for their class and the systems weren’t fun.

They changed nothing.


I swear, the word “copium” is starting to make me gag in the same way “sheeple” does.

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Mhm, we gave feedback to them during beta. I’m interested in waiting until beta to try things out.

People are flying off the handle before trying because it’s become evident once the beta hits it’s too late for Blizzard to fix things (whether they just don’t want to bother fixing/changing it because of a sunk cost fallacy or spite) so people want to give feedback NOW BEFORE THAT!


WOW that game looks stunning

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People want to fly any way they can.

I completely agree OP. I have friends that are dreading this because it’s “Unnecessary” and “more work” with flying. I literally just told em, you are insane if you don’t think dynamic mount systems are good. If anyone has played GW2, heck even Ark Survival Evolved, and I have played both, the mount system in those games are second to none. Super excited for this feature. WoW NEEDS things like this, stop focusing so heavily on the instanced content and add some fun outdoorsy stuff

People have every reason to be apprehensive about this change. Every since WOD the devs have made it a point to spite the playerbase every chance they could with flight. I hope it turns out to be a fun feature. The thing many are worried about is every time we mount up its going to be a mini game trying to stay mounted or to keep going. About all of the flying related mini games we have seen in WQ generally seem to be disliked by the majority of players due to steep learning curves, poor controls, etc. Just don’t want to have that sort of stuff the whole time we are flying.

It is too early to “fly off the handle” at this point though.


Not stopping you from giving feedback, just saying what I think. Cool all bold though.

And I’m just saying the backlash is sort of warranted after getting burned the past two expansions.


Looks too good to not be a store mount

You THINK you’ll love this new type of flying until the other shoe drops.
They said it would be easier to be dismounted while flying in the next xpac.
Now you might think “that’s cool, you don’t get hit much when flying anyway”

And I would agree, except for one thing


You think those birds are going away?
All those things that can knock you out of the sky and do pretty often NOW, they are gonna be following us into the new xpac, bet on it.

From now on, you’ll have to concentrate on the mechanics of flying AND navigating the 3D space AND trying to dodge birds and such.

I’m patiently waiting for the threads of “i was in a power dive, building up momentum and just before I popped my wings a bird hit me and I slammed into the ground at full speed. Blizzard owes me 50 gold in repairs!”

/laughs in Ion

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nope - it would do nothing for me - I play for progression and to relax and that is neither

some things they just aren’t going to fix - they have an expansion to get out in a certain amount of time and they just can’t rework everything because people think they know better even with the limited info we have.

This flying business they have no desire to fix as well.

the downside of just shutting up and waiting until its live is you get to spend another 2 years waiting for them to fix things or make meaningful changes
o but wait we dont speak up anymore so that expansion might be the same again and so what we just deal for another expansion then
then what?

I get it, everyone is tired of this community being up in arms all the time but blizz hasn’t done much for that not to be the case. Also all of these changes to systems, the fact you dont have borrowed power going into this, all the quality of life changes for alt catch up and stuff
do you think they thought of that and made those decisions on their own? or do you think this community that have been pissed off and asking loudly for changes pushed them in that direction? ya
your welcome.

I didn’t exactly answer, and I haven’t said live. I’ve been saying we need beta first and foremost, and I even offered up a middle ground for this scenario. I know this thread is long and no one is going to see all of my comments, but I’ve already spoken about this.

This is one area of the game I have hated since WoD. I absolutely hate the level design and the designers ideas that this is a side scroller like pitfall where half the games fighting thew terrain. This is an MMORPG not a side scroller. The MAIN reason I want flying is because I now HATE what they consider fun.

I came back to SL after a huge break and decided to level different alts than those I was playing before my break. After dealing with the terrain, I was done. Just didn’t want to level if I have to run in cicrles to find the "one true path ℱ "to the mobs. Then I realized I had a character that was pretty advanced, found out I could get flying in a few hours and skip all this BS. SO I unlocked flying for all my alts and I can enjoy the game again


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That sounds way more like a video game and less like a chore, homie. More proof you people don’t want a better game. You want an easy game.